Meetings & Workshops
Holiness & Holy Places-Discussion With The Delegation of The World Council of Religious Leaders
Participants: Fadia Daibes, Water Law Specialist; Suleiman Abu Dayyeh, Palestine Desk Fredreich Naumann Foundation, Jerusalem; Master Sheng Yen, Dharma Drum Mountain Buddhist Association, USA; Mohammed & Sa’eda Nusseibeh, Ad-Dar Hotel; Azzam Al-Khatib, Director, Jerusalem Islamic Waqf; Yukako Nimi-Arti; Swami Veda Bharati, Hindu Monk, The Meditation Center, USA; Rabbi Awraham Soetendorp, Rabbi; Adnan Husseini, General Director of Jerusalem Islamic Waqf; Guo Yao Fa Shi Chang Ji Shi, Personal Attendant & English Secretary to Master Sheng Yen; Mae Chee Sansanee, Founder and Director of Sathira Dhammasthan, Buddhist Leader, Thailand; Madhu Sawlaey, Regional Director, Asia Pacific, World Council of Religious Leaders; Janki Kripalani, Brahma Kumaris Tram, UK; Dayananda Saraswati, All India Movement for Seva, Inc., India; Usama Salman, Director, St. Vincent Association, Jerusalem; Hanlie Booysen, Deputy Head, South Africa Representative Office; Walid Shomaly, Excutive Director, Palestinian Center for Research & Cultural Dialogue, Bethlehem; Mohammed Hussein, Director, Al-Aqsa Mosque; Nader Al-Asar, Consul, Egyptian Embassy, Tel-Aviv; Azzam Abu As-Su’oud, Director of the Palestinian Chamber of Commerce; Dr. Joan Brown Campbell, Director, Chautauqua Institution, USA; Sister Joan Chittister, Executive Director, Benetvision, USA; Phra Thepsophon, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Thailand; Lalit Kumar Bakashi, President, Golden Eagle Group Co. Ltd., Japan; Charles Mendies, India; Setsuko Nakanishi, Japan; Bawa Jain, Secretary General, World Council of Religious Leaders, USA; Mahmoud Abu Rmeileh, Nick Kardahji, Sana’ Shannak & Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, PASSIA.
All Meetings & Workshops were attended by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of
Arab Western and Christian Muslim Relations
All Meetings & Workshops were attended by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of
Related Links:
The General Islamic Congress for Jerusalem
Participants: 50 scholars representing major organizations in the Muslim World.
All Meetings & Workshops were attended by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of
The Ecumenical Forum for Young Theologians-Three Faiths Challenged – Challenges to Islam
Speakers: Lecture by: Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Dr. Timothy Winter on 12 September 2003
All Meetings & Workshops were attended by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of
Miriam in the New Testament & the Koran: Divergence & Common Grounds (Arabic Session) مريم في العهد الجديد والقرآن "الائتلاف والاختلاف"
Speakers: Paper by: Ahmad Ashqar (Researcher)
Participants: Archamandrite Theodosios Atalah Hana, Greek Orthodox Church, Jerusalem; Khalil Assali, U.O.A.; Fadia Daibes, Consultant, Water Expert; Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA; Elise Aghazarian, Governance Projects Coordinator, PASSIA; Sana Shannak, Coordinator of Religious Studies Unit, PASSIA; Mahmoud Abu Rameleh, Webmaster, PASSIA.
All Meetings & Workshops were attended by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of
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Musa/Moses in the Three Monotheistic Faiths
Speakers: Rabbi David Rosen; Suhad Husseini Qleibo; Father Louis Hazboun
Participants: Douglas Dick, Presbytarian Church (USA); Rev. Sandra Olewine, United Methodist Lisaon, Jerusalem; Judeh N. Majaj, General Secretary, YMCA, East Jerusalem; Joel Crillet, Ecumenical Accompaniment Program, Acting Coordinator; Suhad Qleibo, Author; Adnan Abdulrazek, Arab Studies Society; Sami Abu-Dayyeh, Net Tours; Rafeef Abdelrazek, IOCC – accountant; Fr. Dr. Louis Hazboun, Priest; Dr. Ali Qleibo, Professor.
All Meetings & Workshops were attended by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of
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Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Issue of Foreign (Non-Muslim) Visits
Participants: Sheikh Abdul Azim Salhab, Head, Council for Waqf and Islamic Affairs, Higher Islamic Council, Jerusalem; Sheikh Mohammed Hussein, Director of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, Jerusalem; Adnan Husseini, General Director of the Jerusalem Islamic Waqf, Jerusalem; Nader Al-A’asser; Consul, Egyptian Embassy, Tel Aviv; Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA.
All Meetings & Workshops were attended by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of
Democracy & Islam
Speakers: Sheikh Fathi Mansour, Judge, Islamic Shari’a Court
Participants: Ranan Al-Muthaffar, Assistant for Programming &Communication, Tamkeen; Ruba El-Ghoul, Accountant, Analyst, ISAM Project; Nuha Qutob, Arab Studies Society; Ghadeer Quttieneh, Arab Studies Society; Elisabeth Peterson, Friedrich Ebert Foundation; Elise Aghazarian, Researcher, PASSIA; Qusay Abbas, Software Engineer; Marwan Bashiti, Coordinator, Old City Youth Association (OCYA), a group of OCYA members: Nezav, Ahmed Jaber, Mohamad, Amer, Ibrahim Khayyat, Ghassan Khalleh, Ahmad Khalifa, Hisham Assila, Ala’ Munnayer.
All Meetings & Workshops were attended by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of
Related Links:
Current Challenges Facing Al-Aqsa Mosque
Participants: Sheikh Jamil Hamami, Lecturer, Al-Quds University; Engineer Adnan Husseini, General Director of the Jerusalem Islamic Waqf; Sheikh Azzam Al-Khatib, Director of the Jerusalem Islamic Waqf; Sheikh Fathi Ahmad Mansour, Judge, Islamic Shari’a Court; Sheikh Ibrahim Said Sabri, Judge of the Islamic Shari’a Court of Appeals; Sheikh Ekrima Said Sabri, Mufti of Jerusalem; Issam Abdul-Rahman Awwad, Resident Engineer, Committee for the Restoration of Al-Aqsa Mosque; Dr. Mohammed Jadallah, Physical Doctor; Sheikh Mohammed Hussein, Director of the Al-Aqsa Mosque; Dr. Yousef Said Natsheh, Head of the Islamic Archaeological Department, Al-Aqwaf, Jerusalem; Ibrahim Joulani, Private Sector.
All Meetings & Workshops were attended by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of
Muslim Perspective on Jerusalem's Status and Holy Places
Participants: Visit of a group of students from the Swedish Theological Institute
Karin Meijer, Student; Stina Hogman, Student; Marie Nordberg, Student; Asa Perssar, Student; Maria Altsdotler, Student; Martin Lembke, Student; Terese Hillgrund, Student; Aasuhv Hande, Professor; Anders Runesson; Associate Professor; Anders Blomquist, Chaplain at the Swedish Theological Institute.
Karin Meijer, Student; Stina Hogman, Student; Marie Nordberg, Student; Asa Perssar, Student; Maria Altsdotler, Student; Martin Lembke, Student; Terese Hillgrund, Student; Aasuhv Hande, Professor; Anders Runesson; Associate Professor; Anders Blomquist, Chaplain at the Swedish Theological Institute.
All Meetings & Workshops were attended by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of