PASSIA embarked on this project against the background that the current socio-economic and political situation in East Jerusalem is dire: lack of political representation, little economic opportunity and potential for growth, limited access to services, weak law enforcement, settler and police violence, and a restrictive construction and zoning regime paired with home demolitions and forced evictions – all of which creates a context that leaves little perspective for the Palestinians in general and the youth in particular.


Palestinian youth and young adults living in East Jerusalem do not currently have sufficient support to build the economic and social resilience that is vital given the living conditions that prevail in the city. There is thus an urgent need for immediate attention to redress this imbalance, inter alia by developing and enriching the services and programs provided by youth and youth-serving organizations, to improve the life chances of young people.


While there is a wide range of organizations in East Jerusalem dedicated to youth work or targeting youth in one way or another, it is often not clear who is exactly doing and what the unmet needs are. In order to fill this knowledge gap and improve awareness about the possibilities offered to youth and young adults in East Jerusalem, PASSIA conducted a detailed stocktaking of YSOs (meeting, sports, vocational and leisure centers), their areas of work, specific target group(s), needs and levels of networking. 


This comprehensive mapping of existing resources and opportunities for youth in East Jerusalem provides a solid fundament for further strategizing, planning and programming, to avoid duplication of efforts and ensure that future projects start where the need is greatest. 

Overall, 163 youth-serving organizations (YSOs) took part in the Mapping of Palestinian Youth, Meeting, Leisure, Training and Other Youth-Related Centers in East Jerusalem, which also produced a searchable online database and a report that provides a yet non-available overview of the organizations, programs and activities targeting youth in East Jerusalem as well as their perceived needs.

Click here to download the full Report 

Click here to download the Questionnaire