PASSIA Library

Title Author(s) Publisher Name Classification Shelf Publish Year
Nuclear Stability and Missile Defense Pugwash on Science and Word Affairs N 7 Nuclear Weapons 2001
Pakistan's Nuclear Future: Reining in the Risk SSI N 13 Nuclear Weapons 2009
Israel's Nuclear Development and Strategy: Future Ramifications for The Middle East Regional Balance Arab Information Center League of Arab States N 14 Nuclear Weapons 1996
Russian Nuclear Weapons : Past, Present and Future U.S Army War College N 15 Nuclear Weapons 2011
The Global reach of Iran's Ballistic Missiles Institute for National Security Studies N 16 Nuclear Weapons 2006
Canada and The Nuclear Challenge: Reducing The Political Value of Nuclear Weapons for the Twenty- First Century Candian Representative office D 1 Disarmament 1998
Arms Control and Disarmament Agreements: Texts and Histories of The Negotiation United States Arms Control And Disarmament Agency D 2 Disarmament 1990
Arms Control and Disarmament Quarterly Review Foreign & Commonwealth Office D 3 Disarmament 1994
Fighting Proliferation , Promoting Arms Control and Disarmament: Frances Contribution République of Francaise D 7 Disarmament 2005
Swedish Disarmament Policy The Swedish Institute D 9 Disarmament 1988
Disarmament United Nation D 10 Disarmament 1980
Coming To Terms with Security : A Handbook on Verification and Compliance United Nation D 11 Disarmament 2003
Disarmament Demobilisation and Reintegration GTZ D 13 Disarmament 2004
Extending The Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty: The Middle East Debate The Washington Institute for Near East Policy D 14 Disarmament 1995
Proliferation for Profit North Korea in The Middle East U.S Army War College D 15 Disarmament 1994
Introducing the World Council of Churches. WCC Ch 23 Christianity 1990
The Myths of Christian Persecution Law- The Palestinian Society for the Protection of Human Rights and the Envoronment Ch 21a Christianity 1998
Accompaniment and Hope : An Introduction to the Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel (EAPPI) World Council of Churches CH 29 Christianity 2010
Blessed Are The Peacemaker : The Story of a Palstinian Christian Zondervan Books Ch 31 Christianity 1990
Palestinian Christians Facts, Figures and Trends 2008 Diyar Ch 32 a en 2012
Palestinian Christians Facts, Figures and Trends 2008 Diyar CH 32 Christianity 2008
Les Chretiens d' Orient aujourd'Hui apprehensions et esperances Secretariat General CH 34 Christianity 2018
What Jerusalem Means to Us : Christian Perspectives and Reflections The Holy land Christian Ecumenical Foundation (HCEF) Ch 36 Christianity 2018
Kairos Palestine : A Moment of Truth : A word of faith, hope and Love from the heart of Palestine suffering 2012 Kairos Palestine CH 38 Christianity 2012
Kairos Palestine : A Moment of Truth : A word of faith, hope and Love from the heart of Palestine suffering 2011 The Canadian Churches Forum for Global Ministries CH 39 Christianity 2011
The Gospel of Christ Jesus According to St. John CH 37 Christianity 2003
AL-Liqa Journal The Center for Religious and Heritage Studies in The Holy Land In 3 Religon-Interfaith 1992
Christianity in The Arab World SCM Press In 8 Religon-Interfaith 1998
A Brief Summary Report : Collection of Communiques & Report Arab Group For Christian -Muslim Dialogues In 12 Religon-Interfaith 2006
Ecumenical Considerations For Dialogue and Relations with People WCC In 20 Religon-Interfaith 2003
The Vatican , U.S Catholics and The Middle East American for Middle East Understanding In 26 Religon-Interfaith 1988
Islam and Other Religions In Asia: Coexistence and Cooperation Korean association of Islamic Studies In 27 a Religon-Interfaith 2005
Islam and Other Religions In Asia: Coexistence and Cooperation Korean association of Islamic Studies In 27 b 2005
Israeli Violation of Islamic& Christians Holy Sites ( 1967-1999) Palestine Liberation Organization Department of Arab & International Relations In 28 Religon-Interfaith 1999
Islam and Christian- Muslim Relations Volume 7 Number 1 1996 Carfax In 29 Religon-Interfaith 1996
Islam and Christian- Muslim Relations Volume 7 Number 2 1996 Carfax In 30 Religon-Interfaith 1996
Meeting in Friendship Message to Muslims for the End of Ramadan Panteleimon Karanicolas Metropolitan of Corinth In 31 Religion- Interfaith 1984
Jews and Christians Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue In 34 Religion- Interfaith 2000
The Story of the International Council of Christians and Jews In 41 Religion- Interfaith 1988
Jews, Christians and Muslims at the Fortress Tomb Liturgical Press In 44 Religion- Interfaith 2007
From Chairman of Editorial Board Royal Institute for Inter- Faith Studies In 45 Religion- Interfaith 1999
The Concept of Monotheism in the Abrahamic Traditions First conference of the ICCJ Abrahamic Forum Council In 47 Religion- Interfaith 1999
Faithful to One's Tradition in the Presence of the other International Conference In 48 Religion- Interfaith 2002
The Path of Mariam Al Takaful Insurance In 49 Religon-Interfaith
Children of Abraham at War: The Clash of Messiaic Militarism AAKKAR BOOKS In 51 Religion- Interfaith 2010
God in Pain : Inversions of Apocalypse is interesting for 95 reasons . Seven Stories press Ch 40 Christianity 2012
Islamochristiana Laudato SI and Ecology In 50 Religon-Interfaith 2017
Hamas : Che cos'e e Cosa Vuole IL Movimento Radicale Palestinese IL Razzism E Una Bruttta Storla If 8a Islamic Movements and Fundamentalism 2009
Hamas: Een Case-study naar de invloed van Politieke oppositie op buitenlands beleid If 10 Islamic Movements and Fundamentalism 1996
Enter Hamas: The Challenges of Political Integration International Crisis Group If 11 Islamic Movements and Fundamentalism 2006
Palestine , Fundamentalism , and Liberalism Arab Thought Forum If 25 Islamic Movements and Fundamentalism 1985
Islamic Fundamentalism In The West Bank and Gaza: A Serious Religions and Political Challenge For The Palestinian Authority and the Stability in The Middle East Master Thesis If 26 Islamic Movements and Fundamentalism 1998
Why Terror Is there no Alternative? 19 Muslims Speak out The Washington Institute for Near East Policy If 34 Islamic Movements and Fundamentalism 1997
Political Islam At The Crossroads? PASSIA If 32 Islamic Movements and Fundamentalism 2014
The Islamic Conception of Migration Ochettaz I1 Islamic Studies 1995
Intellectual Discourse International Islamic University Malaysia Press I 1a Islamic Studies 1994
Perspectives on Negotiation Foreign Service Institute U.S Department of State Ne 3 Negotiation 1986
Prenegotiation as a Merging of Theory and Practice The Jerusalem Journal of International Relations Ne 4 Islamic Studies 1991
Negotiating The Impossible The Beslan Hostage Crisis RUSI Ne 9 Negotiation 2007
Negotiating the Politics of Change Lynne Rienner Ne 23 Negotiation 2004
Solving Our Problems in A Democracy Laidlaw Brothers CR 2 Conflict Resolution 1965
Diritti Umani e Garanzie Costituzionali Provincia De Pistola Assessorato alla Cooperazione internazionale Cr 7 Conflict Resolution 2001
Diritti Umani e Garanzie Costituzionali Provincia De Pistola Assessorato alla Cooperazione internazionale Cr 7 Conflict Resolution 2001
From Reaction to Prevention:Civil Socirty Forging Partnerships to Prevent Violent to Prevent Violent Conflict and Build Peace European Center For Conflict Prevention Cr 8 Conflict Resolution 2005
Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation IGCC CR 10 Conflict Resolution 2000
Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation IGCC CR 10a Conflict Resolution 2001
Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation IGCC CR 10b Conflict Resolution 2002
Peace and International Conflict Resolution The United States Institute of Peace CR 19 Conflict Resolution 2005