PASSIA Library

Title Author(s) Publisher Name Classification Shelf Publish Year
Jerusalem on the map International Peace and Cooperation Center International Peace and Cooperation Center JI 25 Jerusalem - Israeli Policy 2007
East Jerusalem. The Current Planning Situation. A Survey of Municipal Plans and Planning Policy Ir Shalem Ir Shalem JI 20 Jerusalem - Israeli Policy 0
Escalation. The Rising Tide of Violations Against Palestinian Rights in Jerusalem Jerusalem Center for Social & Economic Rights Jerusalem Center for Social & Economic Rights JI 11 Jerusalem - Israeli Policy 2002
Jerusalem - Aspects of Law. Discussion Paper 3. Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies JI 4 Jerusalem - Israeli Policy 1983
The New Jerusalem. Planning and Politics Kutcher, A. The M.I.T. Press JI 24 Jerusalem - Israeli Policy 1975
House Demolitions and the Control of Jerusalem. Case Study of al-Issawiya Village Land and Water Establishment Land and Water Establishment JI 18 Jerusalem - Israeli Policy 1995
Jerusalem: Palestinian Dynamics, Resistance and Urban Change, 1967-1994 Latendresse, A. Passia JC 55 and JI 26 Jerusalem - Israeli Policy 1995
Land & Settlement Policy in Jerusalem. LAW - the Palestinian Society for the Protection of Human Rights and the Environment. LAW - the Palestinian Society for the Protection of Human Rights and the Environment. JI 25 Jerusalem - Israeli Policy 2000
The Israelisation of Jerusalem. Arab Papers Number 7. Maguire, K. Arab Research Centre JI 27 Jerusalem - Israeli Policy 1981
Discrimination in the Heart of the Holy City Meir, M. International Peace and Cooperation Center JI 28 Jerusalem - Israeli Policy 2006
Jerusalem. Population & Urbanization from 1850-2000. Mustafa, W. JMMC JI 29 Jerusalem - Israeli Policy 2000
The Jerusalem Urban Fabric. Demography, Infrastructure, and Institutions. Nasrallah, R. , Khamaisi, R. International Peace and Cooperation Center JI 30 Jerusalem - Israeli Policy 2003
Jerusalem: In Search of Justice. Bulletin of the Minister of State of Jerusalem Affairs. Palestinian National Authority. Palestinian National Authority. JI 21 Jerusalem - Israeli Policy 2006
Settlements and the Wall. Preempting the Two-State-Solution. PASSIA Penguin Books JI 38 Jerusalem - Israeli Policy 2004
Israeli Policies and Practices at the Interior Ministry Office in East Jerusalem. Rwaidy, A. , Shehadeh, M. Arab Thought Forum JI 36 Jerusalem - Israeli Policy 2000
Modern Jerusalem's Demographic Evolution. Schmeltz, U.O. Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies JI 37 Jerusalem - Israeli Policy 1987
The Status of Jerusalem. United Nations. The United Nations JI 42 Jerusalem - Israeli Policy 1997
Illegal Construction in Jerusalem: A Variation on an Alarming Global Phenomenon. Weiner, J.R. Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs JI 54 Jerusalem - Israeli Policy 2003
A Wall in its Midst. The Separation Barrier and its Impact on the Right to Health and on Palestinian Hospitals in East Jerusalem. B'Tselem. B'Tselem JW 1 Jerusalem - The Wall 2005
A Wall in Jerusalem: Obstacles to Human Rights in the Holy City. B'Tselem. B'Tselem JW 2 Jerusalem - The Wall 2006
The Wall of Annexation and Expansion: Its Impact on the Jerusalem Area. Nasrallah, R. , Brooks, R. , Khamaisi, R. , Ghazaleh, R. The International Peace and Cooperation Center JW 3 Jerusalem - The Wall 2005
East-Jerusalem. Ocha. Ocha JW 4 Jerusalem - The Wall 2007
Dialogue on Jerusalem. Passia Meetings 1990-1998. Abdul Hadi, M. PASSIA JC 1 Jerusalem - Contemporary 1998
Records of Palestinian Immovable Property in West Jerusalem. Palestine Refugees' Claims in West Jerusalem. Abdel, A. Arab Studies Society JC 2 Jerusalem - Contemporary 2002
The Conflict over Jerusalem. Some Palestinian Responses to Concepts of Dispute Resolution. Albin, C. Passia JC 3 Jerusalem - Contemporary 2004
Die Jerusalem Frage. Israelis und Palastinenser im Gesprach. Avnery, U. , Bishara, A. Palmyra JC 5 Jerusalem - Contemporary 1996
Jerusalem of Peace. Sovereignty and Territory in Jerusalem's Future. Baskin, G. IPCRI JC 6 Jerusalem - Contemporary 1994
Jerusalem. The Torn City. Benvenisti, M. Random House JC 7 Jerusalem - Contemporary 1976
Arab and Jew in Jerusalem. Explorations in Community Mental Health. Caplan, G. , Caplan, R.B. Harvard University Press JC 8 Jerusalem - Contemporary 1980
Separate and Unequal. The Inside Story of Israeli Rule in East Jerusalem. Cheshin, A.S. , Hutman, B. , Melamed, A. Random House JC 9 Jerusalem - Contemporary 1999
The Politics of Planting. Israeli-Palestinian Competition for Control of Land in the Jerusalem Periphery. Cohen, S.E. University of Chicago Press J11 Jerusalem - Contemporary 1993
Brussels - Jerusalem. Conflict Management and Conflict Resolution in Divided Cities. Detant, A. IPCRI JC 13 Jerusalem - Contemporary 1997
Morire per Gerusalemme. Storia delle Guerre per la Citta Santa Dagli inizi del Novecento ad Oggi. Di Motoli, P. , Pallante, F. Datanews JC 14 Jerusalem - Contemporary 2004
The Old City of Jerusalem in the Middle East Conflict. The Politics of Sacred Space. Dumper, M. Lynne Rienner Publishers JC 16 Jerusalem - Contemporary 2002
Jerusalem. City of Mirrors. Elon, A. , Elon, A. Weidenfeld and Nicholson JC 17 Jerusalem- Contemporary 1990
U.S. Policy on Jerusalem. Feintuch, Y. Greenwood Press JC 18 Jerusalem - Contemporary 1987
Prospects for Israeli-Palestinian Cooperation in Wastewater Treatment and Re-Use in the Jerusalem Region. Feitelson, E. , Abdul Jaber, Q.H. The Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies JC 19 Jerusalem - Contemporary 1997
In the Beginning Jerusalem: Israeli or Palestinian Owned? How to Occupy and Dominate a City: a Lay Guide. Humphries, H. Scottish Friends of Palestine JC 20 Jerusalem - Contemporary 1997
Jerusalem in Transition. Urban Growth & Change 1970's-1980's. Hyman, B. , Kimhi, I. , Savitzky, J. The Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies JC 21 Jerusalem - Contemporary 1985
Jerusalem. A History of the Holiest City as Seen Through the Struggles of Jews, Christians and Muslims. Idinopulos, T.A. Ivan R. Dee JC 22 Jerusalem - Contemporary
Jerusalem: Issues and Perspectives. Israel Information Centre. Israel Information Centre JC 25 Jerusalem - Contemporary 1972
US Policy Towards Jerusalem and the Occupied Arab Territories 1948 and 1967. Karp, C. , Karp, C. Passia JH 14 and JC 27 Jerusalem History and Jerusalem Contemporary 2001
The Jerusalem Question. Kazak, A. General Palestinian Delegation JC 29 Jerusalem - Contemporary 1997
A Questao Jerusalem. Kazak, A. General Palestinian Delegation JC 25 Jerusalem - Contemporary 1997
The Conservation of Jerusalem. Khatib, K.A. Passia JC 26 Jerusalem - Contemporary 1993
The City of Jerusalem. Some Statistics and Comparisons. Kollek, T. Municipality JC 32 Jerusalem - Contemporary 1973
Jerusalem: Problems and Prospects. Kraemer, J.L. Praeger Publishers JC 33 Jerusalem - Contemporary 1980
The View from East Jerusalem. Lapp, J.A. Herald Press JC 34 Jerusalem - Contemporary 1980
A Bibliography of Modern Jerusalem. McNeill, G. , Hawari, M. Arab Thought Forum JC 35 Jerusalem - Contemporary 1992
The Struggle for Jerusalem. A Programme of Action for Peace. Musallam, S.F. Passia JC 33 Jerusalem - Contemporary 1996
Israelis, Palestinians Coexisting in Jerusalem. Nardi, F. Italian Center for Peace in the Middle East JC 50 Jerusalem - Contemporary 0
Jerusalem on the map. Nasrallah, R. , Khamaisi, R. , Younan, M. , Nasrallah, R. , Khamaisi, R. , Younan, M. The International Peace and Cooperation Center JC 41 Jerusalem - Contemporary 2005
Divided Cities in Transition. Nasrallah, R. , Friedman, A. International Peace and Cooperation Center JC 40 Jerusalem - Contemporary 2003
Divided Cities in Transition. Challenges Facing Jerusalem and Berlin. Nasrallah, R. , Auga, M. , Hasson, S. , Stetter S. International Peace and Cooperation Center JC 43 Jerusalem - Contemporary 2005
Documents on Jerusalem. PASSIA PASSIA JC 15 Jerusalem - Contemporary 1996
Palestinian Planning Imperatives in Jerusalem - with a case study on Anata. PASSIA Penguin Books JC 40 Jerusalem - Contemporary 2000
Jerusalem. Special Bulletin. PASSIA PASSIA JC 26 Jerusalem - Contemporary 2002
Socio-Economic and Health Profile of the Palestinian Arab Inhabitants of the Old City of Jerusalem. Rizkallah Khader, N. Society for Austro-Arab Relations JC 45 Jerusalem - Contemporary 1996
Jerusalem; What Makes for Peace! Ateek, N. , Duaybis, C. , Schrader, M. Melisende JR 1 Jerusalem - Religion 1997
The Noble Sanctuary. Portrait of a Holy Place in Arab Jerusalem. Duncan, A. Longman JR 2 Jerusalem - Religion 1972
Journey to Jerusalem. A Journalist Account of Christian, Jewish and Muslim families in the strife-torn Holy Land. Halsell, G. Macmillan Publishing JR 3 Jerusalem - Religion 1981
Pilgrims & Peacemakers. A Journey through Lent towards Jerusalem. Hewitt, G. The Bible Reading Fellowship JR 4 Jerusalem - Religion 1989
Islam, the West and Jerusalem. Khalidi, W. Center for Contemporary Arab Studies JR 7 Jerusalem - Religion 1996
Jerusalem. Nusseibeh, S. , Cattan, H. Al Saqi Books Jerusalem Contemporary 2000
Occupation: Israel over Palestine. Aruri, N.H. Association of Arab-American University Graduates PH 48 Palestine History post 1948 1983
The West Bank Data Project. A Survey of Israel's Policies. Benvenisti, M. American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research PH 49 Palestine History post 1948 1984
International Criticism of Israeli Security Measures in the Occupied Territories. Cohen, E.R. Magnes Press PH 50 Palestine History post 1948 1984
Palestiniens 1948-1998. Generation Fedayin: de la lutte armee a l'autonomie. Chesnot, C. , Lama, J. Editions Autrement PH 51 Palestine History post 1948 1998