Born in Ghawair Abu Shushi, Tiberias, in 1936; attended primary school in Tiberias; fled with his family Palestine during the 1948 Nakba, ending up at Ein Al-Hilweh, Lebanon, where he attended Christian Church’s Union Association School (1949-51) and then Junior High School; absolved High School in Sidon, Lebanon, and Cairo, Egypt; studied History at the AUB for two years; was an activist in the ANM from 1952-67; was a founding member and group leader of the Arab Palestinian Scout from 1955-67; was a founding member of the Arab Palestinian Youth Organization in 1959, whose goal was the right of return, and remained an activist until 1967; was also a founding member of the Palestinian General Trade Union (PGTU) in Gaza in 1965 (until 1972), its elected Secretary of the branch in Lebanon (1966), member of its Exec. Bureau, and elected member of its General Secretariat in Egypt (1968); worked with the PLO from 1964-67, incl. setting up an office in Beirut and serving as Director of Human Resources as well as working on behalf of the Palestinian refugees in Lebanon; founding member of the PFLP in 1967 (until 1994), at times in charge of recruiting members, educating the public, policy formulation, and Human Resources; member of the PNC since 1970; was a PLO Exec. Committee member from 1972-74 and acted as its chief delegate to negotiate with the Lebanese Army at the Milkart Hotel in Beirut in May 1973 and end to Lebanese army attacks on Palestinians in RC; served as PLO representative in the Arab Partners Front from 1972-82; from 1974, head of the PFLP Political Dept. and from 1989, member of PLO political leadership in Tunis representing the PFLP; was involved in talks with the Christian militias in Lebanon on behalf of the PLO in 1975; in 1981, was chosen by the PLO to be a member of the Palestinian-Cuban Friendship Association, as whose Chairman he serves since 1988; was one of five PLO-appointed delegates in charge of looking after Palestinians who remained in Lebanon after the PLO pullout in 1982; from 1985-87, was one of three Palestinian negotiators, who helped stop the attacks launched by the Shiite Muslim militia Amal against Palestinians in Lebanon; was appointed by the PLO Exec. Committee as Chairman of the leadership of the Palestinian National Action in Lebanon from 1987-93; serves as Chairman of the Refugees Standing Committee within PNC since 1988; was arrested by the Syrians in 1988 and released in 1989 on the condition that he would not return to Lebanon, thus joined the PLO in Tunis; was a member of the PLO delegation to normalize relations between Lebanese Authorities and Palestinians living in Lebanon as a result of the Ta’if Agreement to end the Lebanese Civil War in 1991; became a member of the annual Arab Nationalist Conference (ANC), in 1995 and served as elected member of its General Secretariat from 1999-2001; founder and director of the Social Communication Center (AJIAL) in Beirut since 1999, serving Palestinian refugee youth; received several awards, incl. a medal and certificate signed by Fidel Castro and honorary plaques from the Arab Nationalist Forum, the PFLP’s George Habash, from the Palestinian Youth Union in Gaza, and from the Jordanian Women’s Union.

صلاح، صلاح محمد (1936- ) من مواليد غوير أبو شوشة (قرب طبريا) عام 1936؛ اعتقل والده وعذب، وقتل عام 1936، وكان أكبر اخوته العشرة، هاجر مع اخوته ووالدته الى لبنان واستقر في مخيم عين الحلوه؛ نشط في حركة القوميين العرب منذ عام (1952-1967)؛ أصبح قائداً في الجبهة الشعبية لتحرير فلسطين وعضواً في المكتب السياسي لجبهة التحرير؛ عضو مستقل في اللجنة التنفيذية لمنظمة التحرير الفلسطينية خلال الأعوام (كانون الثاني/ يناير 1971-1973) ؛ عضو الوفد الفلسطيني الذي اجتمع مع ممثلي الجيش اللبناني في بيروت في أيار/ مايو عام 1973 للتفاوض لإنهاء الاشتباكات بين قوات منظمة التحرير الفلسطينية وقوات الأمن اللبناني؛ رفض الترشح لإعادة الانتخاب في المكتب السياسي للجبهة الشعبية لتحرير فلسطين التي جرت في شباط/ فبراير عام 1993 بعد أن انتقد لتسويات الجبهة مع القيادة مع منظمة التحرير الفلسطينية؛ كان عضواً في المجلس الوطني لمنظمة التحرير الفلسطينية وقائد لجنة العائدين؛ عضو في المجلس المركزي لمنظمة التحرير الفلسطينية؛ رئيس لجنة اللاجئين في المجلس الوطني الفلسطيني؛ شارك في المؤتمرالدولي في لوزان بسويسرا وبالدعوة لدولة ديمقراطية واحده.