Born in Jerusalem on 28 Dec. 1953 into an Armenian family; was educated at the Frères College in the Old City of Jerusalem; received a BA in Political Science from the AUB in 1975 and an MA in International Relations from the University of Toledo, Ohio, USA, in 1976; worked at the University of Bethlehem first as a lecturer in Political Science from 1981-85; also served as Dean of Students at the University of Bethlehem from 1983-91; continued his studies and earned a PhD in Political Science from the University of Cincinnati, USA, in 1986; is a member of the Arab Association of Political Science since 1986 (executive member in 1987-88); returned to the University of Bethlehem as Assistant Professor (1986-91), then Associate Professor (1991-98) of Political Science and International Relations; was managing editor of the Bethlehem University Journal from 1986-91, then editor-in-chief in 1992-93; also served as Dean of the Faculty of Arts and as Chairman of the Humanities Dept. from 1992-96; serves as Executive Vice-Pres. of Bethlehem University since 1996; was a consultant to the Palestinian final status negotiating team on Refugees from 1997-99; consultant and Steering Committee member of the Orient House in Jerusalem from 1997-2002 (serving also as head of the Jerusalem Task Force at the Orient House Negotiations Affairs Dept.); represented the PLO in many second-track diplomacy meetings between 1997-2002; served also as tourism consultant to PECDAR (1997-98) and as consultant to the MOPIC and UNESCO (1997-98) and to the PA Higher Ministerial Committee for Church Affairs (1998-2001); served as Pres. of the Rector’s Conference at the PA Ministry of Education from 1998-2003; was promoted to the rank of Full Professor at Bethlehem University in Sept. 1999; Pres. of the PEACE (Palestinian-European-American-Education) program since 2000; is member of the Editorial Board of various publications, incl. Politikon: South African Journal of Political Studies, Citizenship Studies (UK), Bulletin of Search for Common Ground (US), and Palestine-Israel Journal (Jerusalem); has many times been visiting scholar, incl. at the University College of Dublin (1987), the Earlham College (1991-2000), and to the Universities of Vermont (1991-2000), of Maryland (1994), of Villanova (1996), and of Reims (1996/97); is a member of the Middle East Studies Association, the Arab-American University Graduates (AAUG), the Arab Association for Human Rights, the Copenhagen-based International Alliance for Peace (since 1997), and the International Consultative Group at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington, DC; Board member of the Center for Democracy and Workers’ Rights, Ramallah, and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Panorama Center, Ramallah; received an Honorary Doctorate from the University of Reims, France, in 1996, and was nominated for the Gleitsman Middle East Award in 1998/99; was appointed to become the Palestinian representative to London in Oct. 2005; has published extensively in comparative and Middle East politics; among his books are Palestine Factionalism in the National Movement During the Mandatory Period (Jerusalem: PASSIA, 1990), Political Opposition within the Palestine National Movement, 1919-1939 (Jerusalem: Al-Bayader, 1987); co-edited Citizenship and the State in the Middle East (Syracuse University Press, 2000).

ولد في القدس عام 1953؛ تلقى تعليمه في مدرسة الفرير في البلدة القديمة في القدس؛ حاصل على شهادة البكالوريوس في العلوم السياسية من الجامعة الأمريكية في بيروت عام 1975 وعلى شهادة الماجستير في العلاقات الدولية من جامعة توليدو، أوهايو، الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية عام 1976؛ عمل في جامعة بيت لحم كمحاضر في العلوم السياسية خلال الأعوام 1981 - 1985 شغل منصب عميد شؤون الطلبة في جامعة بيت لحم خلال الأعوام 1983 - 1991؛ أكمل دراسته وحصل على شهادة الدكتوراه في العلوم السياسية من جامعة سنسيناتي الأمريكية عام 1986؛ عاد إلى جامعة بيت لحم أستاذ مساعد 1986 - 1991 في العلوم السياسية والعلاقات الدولية؛ مدير تحرير مجلة جامعة بيت لحم خلال الأعوام 1986 - 1991؛ رئيس تحرير المجلة خلال الأعوام 1992 - 1993؛ شغل منصب عميد كلية الآداب ورئيس دائرة العلوم الإنسانية خلال الأعوام 1992 - 1996؛ تولى منصب نائب الرئيس التنفيذي لجامعة بيت لحم منذ عام 1996 كان مستشاراً لفريق المفاوضات لقضايا الحل النهائي خلال الأعوام 1997 - 1999؛ مستشار وعضو في اللجنة التوجيهية لبيت الشرق في القدس خلال الأعوام 1997 - 2002 ؛ تمت ترقيته إلى منصب بروفيسور كامل في جامعة بيت لحم في سبتمبر عام 1999 ؛ نشر في سياسة الشرق الأوسط؛ من بين كتبه الحركة الوطنية الفلسطينية في خلال فترة الانتداب القدس: باسيا، 1990، المعارضة السياسية في الحركة الوطنية الفلسطينية، 1919 - 1939 القدس: البيادر، 1987: جرى تعينه سفيراً وممثلاً لفلسطين لدى المملكة المتحدة لندن في نهاية عام 2006.