Was appointed by the British as Grand Mufti of Jerusalem in 1908, to replace his deceased father, Taher Al-Husseini; unlike his father, is remembered for his compromising positions with the British authorities and the Zionist movement, with the members of which he met; was rewarded by the Mandate authorities by being appointed as Chairman of the Appeal Court and then as Director of the Higher Waqf Committee; died on 31 March 1921 (was replaced by his brother Haj Amin Al-Husseini).


تولى منصب المفتي الأكبر للقدس عام 1908 ليحل محل والده الراحل، طاهر الحسيني في العهد العثماني؛ ثم تولى رئاسة محكمة الاستئناف الشرعية، ثم مدير لجنة الأوقاف العليا؛ توفي في 31 آذار/ مارس عام 1921 عين فيما بعد شقيقه الحاج أمين الحسيني.