Participants: Professor Shimon Shetreet, Rabbi David Rosen, Professor Sasson Somech, Ms. Ora Ahimeir, Professor Avigdor Shinan, Rabbi Joseph Haval, Mr. Joseph Hadass, Mr. Alom Goshen-Gottstein, Rabbi Naftali Rothenberg, Chief Rabbi Sheur Joshua Cohen, Bishop Samir Kafity, Dr. Geries Khoury, Bishop Munib Younan, Mr. Jonathan Kuttab, Mr. Judeh Majaj, Rev. Dr. Mitri Raheb, Mr. Adnan Husseini, Dr. Mustafa Abu Sway, Mr. Abed Abu Diab, Dr. Sami Musallam, Sheik Jamil Hamami, Sheik Mohammed Hussein, Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Ms. Deniz Altayli, Ms. Sawsan Baghdadi
PASSIA, the Palestinian Academic Society for the Study of International Affairs, and RPO, Religion for Peace Organization, organized an academic seminar on the subject of 'Abraham'. Representatives from the three great monotheistic religions participated in the academic seminar that was held on the PASSIA premises in East Jerusalem. Three papers dealing with the subject of Abraham from the points of views of these three religions were presented in this seminar.
- Prof. Avigdor Shinan from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem presented the Jewish paper which was entitled "The Various Faces of Abraham in Judaism";
- Dr. Geries Khoury from Al-Liqa Center presented the Christian paper entitled "Abraham from the Christian Point of View";
- Dr. Mustafa Abu Sway from Al-Quds University presented the Moslem paper entitled "Ibrahim in the Islamic Resources".