- Introduction
-Seminar Program
- PART ONE: Lectures and Discussions
Opening Remarks
Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi
HE Thierry Bechet
A. Theoretical Background: Diplomacy and Conflict Resolution
The Diplomatic System - Role and Function of Diplomacy
Dr. Raymond Cohen
Diplomatic Law, Methods and Immunities
Dr. Alan James
The Art and Practice of Diplomacy
Dr. Alan James
The Structure and Role of a Foreign Ministry and of Diplomatic Missions
HE Richard Dalton
Dr. Alan James
Theories of International Conflict
Dr. Bahgat Korany
Theories of Conflict Management / Resolution
Dr. Bahgat Korany
"Ripeness" and the Resolution of Conflict
Dr. Joel Peters
Mediation and Conflict Resolution: The Role of Third Parties
Dr. Charles Hauss
B. Negotiations: Concepts and Practical Implications in the Middle East
Asymmetric Negotiations (I): The Middle East Peace Process
Dr. Joel Peters
Asymmetric Negotiations (II): Diplomacy and Conflict Resolution in the Gulf
Ailie Saunders
Israeli-Palestinian Negotiations Since Oslo
A Roundtable Discussion Moderated by Dr. Joel Peters
Israeli-Palestinian Negotiations Since Oslo: New Approaches to Conflict: Multilaterals and Conflict Resolution in the Middle East
Dr. Joel Peters
Negotiating Intractable Issues: Jerusalem
Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi
Arab-Israeli Negotiations (I): Israel and Egypt (Camp David)
HE Ahmad Kamal
Arab-Israeli Negotiations (II): Israel and Syria
Dr. Ziad Abu Amr
Arab-Israeli Negotiations (III): Israel and Palestine: Oslo - The Conflict, the Mediators and the Breakthrough
Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi
Arab-Israeli Negotiations (IV): Israel and Jordan
HE Dr. Jawad Anani
First and Second Track Diplomacy: From Madrid to Oslo
Dr. Ron Pundik
Negotiating Economic Agreements: A Palestinian Perspective
Samir Huleileh
Negotiating Economic Agreements: A European Perspective
Geoffrey Haley
Workshop: The Process of Conflict Resolution Through Diplomatic Negotiations - Strategy and Tactics, Skills and Styles
Dr. Paul W. Meerts
Simulation Exercise: UN Security Council Session on the Crisis in Southern Arabia
Dr. Paul W. Meerts
C. Diplomacy and Conflict Resolution in the Middle East
Diplomatic History of the Middle East
Dr. Sami Musallam
Security in the Middle East
Dr. Zakaria al-Qaq
UN Peacekeeping and the Arab-Israeli Conflict
Dr. Alan James
The Role of the United States in the Middle East
Dr. Charles Hauss
Conflict Resolution and the Arab-Israeli Conflict
Roundtable Discussion Moderated By Dr. Charles Hauss and Dr. Joel Peters
"Ripeness" and the Second Gulf War
Ailie Saunders
Peace Enforcement in the Gulf Crisis
Ailie Saunders
The Gulf Crisis Five Years On: Third Party Disputes as Catalysts to Conflict Resolution
Ailie Saunders
Foreign Policy and Diplomacy of New / Small States
Miljan Majhen
Wrap-up of the Seminar
Moderated by Dr. Joel Peters
PART TWO: Background Research
A. International Organizations and the World Order: Maintaining Peace and International Security
The United Nations
(I): History and Organizational Structure (Mohammed Nasser)
(II): Decision-Making Process (Abeer Mashni)
The Arab League
(I): History and Organizational Structure (Ghada Terawi)
(II): Decision-Making / Regional Conflict Resolution (Husam Shakhshir)
NATO: Organization, Decision-Making, Important Treaties (Atef Abu Seif)
European Union: Important Treaties and Decision-Making (Ghada Sanwar)
OSCE: Organization, Decision-Making, Important Treaties (Safa’ Abu Assab)
B. Conflicts and Conflict Resolution
The Changing Global Agenda
(I): East-West Dimension (Areej Daibas)
(II): North-South Dimension (Adnan Joulani)
Contemporary Conflicts
(I): Bosnia (Osama Kawasmi)
(II): Cyprus (Hana Amin Daoudi)
Main UN Resolutions on the Arab-Israeli Conflict (Walid al-Salhi)
The United States and Conflict Resolution in the Middle East
(I) The Arab-Israeli Conflict (Ahmad Mashal)
(II): The Gulf Crisis (Amal Jado)
PART THREE: Essays on Diplomacy and Conflict Resolution
A. Diplomacy
"A Diplomat is an Honest Man Sent Abroad to Lie for the Good of His Country." - Is This a Fair Comment? (Safa’ Abu Assab)
What Role Have Diplomats Played in Helping to Resolve the Arab-Israeli Conflict? (Adnan A. Joulani)
B. Negotiations
Do States Negotiate Only Once They Have Reached the "Hurting" Stage?
(Ghada T. Terawi)
How to Overcome Deadlocks in Negotiations (Hana A. Daoudi)
C. Conflicts and Conflict Resolution
The Role of the UN in Maintaining International Peace (Abeer Mashni)
Appendix A: Stages of Peace and Conflict
Appendix B: Lecture Programme
Appendix C: Lecturers
Appendix D: Palestinian Participants
Appendix E: Reading Material