Born in Nazareth in 1960; moved to New York in 1981, where he lived until 1993; was a guest lecturer at different universities and a writer in residence in Suny, Buffalo; directed two short films: Introduction to the End of an Argument and Homage by Assassination; moved to Jerusalem in 1994 to start a film program at Birzeit University sponsored by the European Commission; works as a playwright, director and actor; co-directed the documentaries ‘Introduction to the End of an Argument’ (with Jayce Salloum, 1990) and ‘War and Peace in Vesoul’ (with Amos Gitai, 1997); his works also include the feature films Chronicle of a Disappearance (1996), which won the Luigi De Laurentiis Prize Winner for Best First Feature at the 1996 Venice Film Festival and the New Director’s Showcase Special Jury Prize at the 1997 Seattle International Film Festival, Cyber Palestine (1999), and Divine Intervention (2002), which won several prizes, incl. the Grand Jury Prize at the 2002 Cannes Film Festival, and the Screen International Award at the European Film Awards, and was nominated for the Oscar (although the American Academy of Cinema in Hollywood rejected the nomination on the grounds that Palestine is not a “nation”).


سليمان، إيليا (1960 - ) من مواليد الناصرة عام 1960؛ انتقل إلى نيويورك عام 1981 حيث عاش هناك حتى عام 1993؛ محاضراً زائراً في عدة جامعات وكاتباً في مسكن في صني، بافالو؛ أخرج فيلمين قصيرين: Introduction to the End of an؛ Argument and Homage by Assassination انتقل إلى القدس عام 1994 للبدء ببرنامج سينمائي عن جامعة بيرزيت برعاية المفوضية الأوروبية؛ يعمل ككاتب مسرحي، مخرج وممثل؛ أحد مخرجي الأفلام الوثائقية “مقدمة عن نهاية الجدل” (مع جويس سلوم، عام 1990) و “حرب وسلام في فيسول” (مع عموس جيتا، 1997)؛ من أعماله فيلم بعنوان 1996) Chronicle of a Disappearance )، الذي حاز على جائزة 1996 Luigi De Laurentiie Prize Winner for Best First Feature at the Venice Film Festival and the New Director’s Showcase Special Jury Seattle International Film Festival 1997 Prize at the