Born on 8 Feb. 1963 in Al-Maghazi RC, Rafah, Gaza; finished high school and joined Fateh; spent time in Damascus and Morocco and studied at officers’ schools in Germany and Algeria; lost two brothers, one in fightings in Lebanon in 1975 and one during the first Intifada; became wanted by Israel in 1982, but fled to Egypt, then to Damascus, Morocco, and Tunisia where he stayed for two years; joined a Military School in Germany, graduating in 1989; moved on to live in Algeria and Baghdad, where he stayed during the 1991 Gulf War; returned to Algeria after the War, then to Gaza in 1994, after the Oslo Accords were signed, though opposing them; was known for his opposition to coordination and cooperation between Israeli and Palestinian security forces and to normalization activities with Israel; criticized the PA for imprisoning members of Hamas and the Islamic Jihad; was himself arrested by the PA Preventive Security in 1997 and put in jail in Gaza for 19 months (accused of involvement with Islamic Jihad operations against Israel); was a member of Fateh and the Tanzim before he founded of the Popular Resistance Committees during the Al-Aqsa Intifada; was appointed by PA Interior Minister Said Siam as Dir.-Gen. of the Police Forces in the Interior Ministry in April 2006 (a move that sparked new criticism on the Hamas government from the US and Israel and intensified the internal struggle for control of the security forces); was considered the number two (after Mohammed Deif) on Israel’s most-wanted list (for his alleged involvement in several attacks, incl. one on a US diplomatic convoy in Oct. 2003 in Gaza) and escaped several Israeli assassination attempts; was eventually killed by an Israeli air strike in Rafah on 8 June 2006.


أبو سمهدانة، جمال عطية زايد (ابو العطايا) (1963 - 2006) ولد في عام 1963 في (المغازي) رفح؛ أنهى دراسته الثانوية؛ أمضى بعض الوقت في دمشق والمغرب؛ فقد شقيقيه، الأول في المواجهات في لبنان في 1975 والثاني خلال الانتفاضة الأولى؛ أصبح مطلوباً لدى إسرائيل في 1982، ولكنه هرب إلى مصر، ثم إلى دمشق، ثم المغرب، وتونس حيث بقي لمدة عامين؛ انتقل للعيش في الجزائر وبغداد، حيث كان هناك في حرب الخليج الأولى في 1991؛ عاد إلى الجزائر، ثم إلى غزة في 1994، عضو في حركة فتح؛ عين مديراً عاماً لقوات الشرطة في غزة في وزارة الداخلية في نيسان/أبريل 2006؛ اعتبر الرقم الثاني(بعد محمود ضيف) على لائحة أكثر المطلوبين لإسرائيل؛ ونجا من عدة محاولات اغتيال إسرائيلية، ولكنه استشهد بغارة جوية إسرائيلية على رفح في 8 حزيران/يونيو 2006.