Dr. Mahdi Fouad Abdul Hadi (22 March 1944-15 January 2025)

It is with Immense sadness that we share the heartbreaking news about the passing of Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, who was not only the founder and esteemed Chairman of PASSIA, but our dear colleague, friend, and family.


Dr. Mahdi Fouad Abdul Hadi

(22 March 1944-15 January 2025)


Dr. Mahdi was a distinguished academic, advocate, and patriot who devoted his life to the Palestinian cause. Through reliable research and tireless dialogue, he worked to illuminate every facet of the struggle for justice and to foster a deeper understanding of Palestinian perspectives, undeterred by the challenges he faced.


He will be remembered by countless individuals around the world as a brilliant political analyst, whose wisdom and counsel shaped lives and influenced critical decisions. His vast knowledge, experience, and steadfast leadership inspired change, marked by courageous decision-making in every role he undertook — whether as the director of a think tank, a Board member, or a member of the Waqf Council.


Dr. Mahdi's unwavering love for Palestine and Jerusalem defined his life's work. Jerusalem, in particular, held a special place in his heart, and its fate was a cause he championed with deep passion and commitment.


Our thoughts are with his family and all those who were touched by his remarkable life and legacy.


Rest in peace, Dr. Mahdi. You will be deeply missed — by us and by Jerusalem, the city you cherished so dearly.