Meetings & Workshops


Launching of the new book of Mia Groendahl: To Jerusalem "In the Steps of Eight Swedes and a Finn"

  • Organizer: PASSIA.
  • Location: American Colony Hotel, Jerusalem.
All Meetings & Workshops were attended by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA

Al-Aqsa Mosque Events

  • Organizer: PASSIA.
  • Location: PASSIA Office.
Participants: Yousef Al-Dajani, Chairman of the Board, Jerusalem District Electricity Co.; Azzam Al-Khatib, Director, Islamic Waqf; Sheikh Mohammad Hussein, Mufti of Jerusalem & Palestine, Dr. Mustafa Abu Sway, Al-Quds University; Khalid Abu Arafeh, Engineering; Sheikh Jamil Hamami, Al-Quds University; Zahi Khoury, Businessman; Michel Sabbah, Former Latin Patriarch for Jerusalem; Sheikh Abdel Azim Salhab, Director of the Islamic Waqf Council, Jerusalem; Hatem Abdul Qader, Jerusalem file, Fateh; Dr. Arafat Al-Hidmi, Head, Al-Maqasseh Charitable Association; Dr. Sari Nusseibeh, President, Al-Quds University; Dr. Ekrima Sabri, Higher Islamic Commission; Munib Al-Masri, Muntada Falastine; Mazen Sinokrot, Sinokot Group; Afif Safieh, Palestinian Ambassador in Europe; Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA.
All Meetings & Workshops were attended by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA

Experience the Holy Land

  • Organizer: PASSIA.
  • Location: PASSIA Office.
Participants: Young Presidents Organization: Roberto Boghossian; Yann Borgstedt; Robin David Greenhalgh; Caroline Greenhalgh; John C. Hugon; Badr H Jafar; Petra Nemcova; Thomas Kaneb; Gail Kaneb; Greg Kiessling; Omar M. Masri; Yves J. Paternot; Louise Goodfellow; Yasser Shahin; Sam Shahin; Rama Sifri; Majed Sifri; Peter C Stas; Ali Sulaiman; Zuhoor Sulaiman; Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA.
All Meetings & Workshops were attended by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA

Personal Data Security and the Law

  • Organizer: PASSIA.
  • Location: PASSIA Office.
Participants: Francesco Pizzetti; President of Italy DPA, Francesco Santillo, Consul, Italian Consulate, Muhammed Nuseibeh, Jamil Hamami, Dr. Arafat Hidmi; Al-Makassed Society Chairman, Zahi Khoury; Businessman; Muhammed Dajani; Professor; Wasatia, Bishop Dr. Munib Younan; Abdel Qader Huseini; Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA.
All Meetings & Workshops were attended by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA

The Dome of the Rock and Al-Haram Al-Sharif: Restoration, Archaeology, Religion and Politics

  • Organizer: PASSIA.
  • Location: Ambassador Hotel, Jerusalem.
Speakers: Dr. Beatrice St. Laurent, Professor of Islamic Art, Chair of the Art Department, Bridgewater State College, Bridgewater, MA, NEH Senior Fellow, ACOR, Amman
Participants: Khalil Assali, Al-Quds TV; Katharina Galor, Professor; Ziad Zughayar, Architect; Meejeon Hong; Khaled Abu Nafeh; Azzam Abu Saoud, Director, Chamber of Commerce; Darwish Hijazi, Engineer; Ghaleb Mashni; Mazen Sinoqrot; Nabil Al-Jabari; Fouad Dakkak, Engineer; Helana Elusfeder, Assistant to the Director Albright Institute; Diana Steigler, Albright Library; Sarah Sussmal; Albright Library; Ligia Maria Scherer, Head of the Brazilian Representative office, Ramallah; Felipe Losta, Brazilian Representative office, Ramallah; Itidal Al-Ashhab, Deputy for Jerusalem office, Ministry of Education and Higher Education; Lina Masrouji, Pharmacist; Dr. Arafat Hidmi, Chairman, Board of Directors Makassed Society; Sami Sockol, Journalist; Hani Abdeen; Sheikh Azzam Al-Khatib, Director of Waqf; Osama Kanaan, Chief of Mission, IMF - International Monetary Fund; Dr. Mustafa Abu Sway, Al-Quds University; Ola Skuterud, International and Federation of the Red Cross; Giancarlo de Picciotto, Head, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation; Laila Sheikh, Deputy Head, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation; Rima Barakat; Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA.
All Meetings & Workshops were attended by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA

Planning and Zoning in Jerusalem – Israeli vs. Palestinian Reading

  • Organizer: PASSIA.
  • Location: Ambassador Hotel, Jerusalem.
Speakers: Senan Abdul Qader and Yousef Jabareen.
Participants: Mazen Sinokrot, CEO Sinokrot Group; Ahmad Zugaiar, Chairman, Federation of CET Industry; Azzam Abu-Saud, Director, Jerusalem Arab Chamber of Commerce; Ehab Dweik, Architect; Darweesh Suleiman Hijazi, Civil Engineer ; Samir Kirrish, Mech. Engineer; Ziad Zughayar, Architect; Ibrahim A. Younan, Architect; Muezz Nashashibi, Civil Engineer; Hani Abu Diab, Architect; Samer Nusseibeh, Engineer; Usama Halabi, Lawyer; Adel Ruished, Al-Quds University; Hani Abdeen, Doctor; Jawad Naji, Advisor; Samih Abid, PIF; Khaled Abu-Arafeh, Businessman; Ibrahim H. Al-Joulani , Private Sector Real Estate Agent; Mohsen Ghosheh, Engineer; Areej Daibas, Sector Coordinator Jerusalem Unit; Mohammed Nuseibeh, Higher Islamic Council; Mazen Nuseibeh, Teacher; Ahmad Siam; Khaled Qawasmeh, Minister of Local Government (PA); Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA.
All Meetings & Workshops were attended by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA

Meeting with Civil Society in Jerusalem

  • Organizer: PASSIA.
  • Location: Ambassador Hotel, Jerusalem.
Participants: The Delegation of Members of the EU National Parliaments, Czech Republic.
Miloslav Vlcek, Chairman of the Chamber of Deputies, Parliament of the Czech Republic; Ivan Prikryl, Chief of Staff of the Chairman of the Chamber of Deputies, Parliament of the Czech Republic; Petr Kynstetr, Chanceller of the Chamber of Deputies, Parliament of the Czech Republic; Jan Kavan, Foreign Policy Advisor to the Chairman of the Chamber of Deputies, Parliament of the Czech Republic, Former Foreign Minister and President of the UN General Assembly; Vladimir Lastuvka, Advisor to the Chairman of the Chamber of Deputies, Parliament of the Czech Republic, Former Chariman of the Foreign Affairs Committee; Karel Simana, Advisor to the Chairman of the Chamber of Deputies, Parliament of the Czech Republic; Helena Opolecka, Advisor to the Chairman of the Chamber of Deputies, Parliament of the Czech Republic, Former Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs; Luisa Morgantini, Vice-President of the European Parliament, Italy; Petar Beron, Vice-Chairman of the Parliament, Bulgaria; Averof Neophytou, Chairman of the House Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Parliament of Cyprus; Gert Weisskirchen, Vice-Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee, Parliament of Germany (Bundestag); Andreas Loverdos, Member of the Parliament, Greece, Foreign Affairs Committee, Former Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, PASOK, Greece; Vaira Peagle, Parliament of Latvia, President of the Foreign Affairs Committee; Michael Frendo, Parliament of Malta, Chairman of the Foreign and European Affairs Committee, Former Minister of Foreign Affairs; Martijn Van Dam, Member of Foreign Affairs Committee, Parliament of Netherlands, Bogdan Borusewicz, President of the Senat of the Republic of Poland; Anna Zielinska-Glebocka, Member of the Parliament, Poland (SEJM), Member of EMPA; Witold Smidowski, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland; Leszek Biera, Chancellery f the Senate of Poland; Fernando Negrao, Member of the Parliament of Portugal, Member of the EMPA Portugees Group; Juraj Horvath, Parliament of the Slovak Republic, Foreign Affairs Committee; Abdullah Abdullah, EMPA Representative, Palestine; Zeynep Dagi, Deputy of Ankara, Head of EMPA Turkish Group; Abdullah Caliskan, Deputy of Kersehir, Turkey; Akif Akkus, Deputy of Mersin, Turkey; Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA.
All Meetings & Workshops were attended by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA

Hamas - From Resistance to Political Movement?

  • Organizer: PASSIA.
  • Location: Ramallah.
Speakers: Dr. Mahmoud Ramahi, Secretary General of the PLC (Change and Reform); Paola Caridi, Historian, Journalist and Author (“Hamas - Che cos'è e cosa vuole il movimento radicale palestinese”), Rome; Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Chairman of PASSIA.
Participants: Emilio Dabed, PhD Student; Wardeh Tamim, FES; Bishwadip Dey, Indian Representative; Dr. Ercan Ozer, Turkish Consul; Nadia El-Quargui, Adviser to EUSR; Jimela Saidem, Palestinian Union of Women; Laura Maritano, Researcher; Sami Bahour; Sam Bahour, Applied Information Management, Ramallah; Fajr Harb, Carter Center; Abraham Kruijf, IDA Innovatie, Netherlands; Yasser Khellef, Sciences- PO, Paris; Mazen Sinokrot, Sinokrot Group; Daoud Talhami, Writer; Daniel Magrizos, Ignacio Garcia, Maria Corral, Humanitarian Workers; Victoria Sjolander, Political Adviser, EUPOL COPPS; Roberta Pasini, Raffaele Spiga, Regione Emilia Romagna Decentralized Cooperation Unit; Jaroslav Petrik, PhD Student; Bassem Al-Khalidi, Political Advisor, UN; Mads Mayerhofer, DHOM (Denmark); Henrik Meyer, FES; Dr.Sabri Saidam, Presidential Advisor, Ramallah; Abu Alaa Mansour; David Jackson, FAO; Mohammad Masrouji, Chairman, Palestinian Businessman Association; Katharina Konarek, FES; Omar Shehadeh, Researcher; Cristina Grazlani, Carlos Diaz, FAO; Mounir Kleibo, ILO; Ghassan Abdullah; Amani Sarsour, Al-Bireh Council; Imad Amar; Khalid Naseef, Nicolas Masse, Roland Friedrich, DCAF; Roger Heacock, Birzeit University; Joel Cohen, Student; Ilaria De Banis, Journalist; Najwa Najjar, Filmmaker; Dr. Mustafa Abu Sway, Al-Quds University; Veronique Maussarone, Casa Della Toscana – Representative of the Region Tuscany.
All Meetings & Workshops were attended by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA
Related Links:

The Change of the Political Landscape in Palestine

  • Organizer: PASSIA.
  • Location: PASSIA Office.
Participants: Swedish Theological Institute visiting Delegation-Church of Sweden in Jerusalem: Sasa Farkas, Student; Bernice Magnusson, Student; Johanna Risenfors, Student; Christina Packalén, Student counselor; Kenan Habul, Journalist student; Puneet Acharya; Stefan Adolfsson, Student; Marie Korner, Pastor; Jeppelina Schoug, Student; Attilla Palcso, Priest; Annika Wenemark, Teacher; Jessica Tranlander, Student; Kim Lofqvist, Student; Helena Eriksson, Student; Christina Roeser, Student; Lars Michael VS Adrian, Head of Education in a Town in Sweden; Tobias Rydqvist, Student; Maria Widermark, Priest; Jennie Forsberg, Student; Hakan Bengtsson, Director, Swedish Theological Institute; Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA.
All Meetings & Workshops were attended by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA

Palestinian National Dialogue in Cairo March 2009

  • Organizer: PASSIA.
  • Location: Best Eastern Hotel, Ramallah.
Participants: Bishwadip Dey, Head, Indian Representative ; Dr. Ercan Ozer, Turkish Consul; Sam Bahour; Abdullah Abdullah; Hassan Abu Libdeh; Pia Rantala-Engberg, Finnish Representative; Dr. Subhi Al-Aref, Physician; Royce Kuzwayo, South Africa Deputy Representative; Nasser Al Qudwa; Dr. Sabri Saidam ; Dr. Mamdouh Al-Iker; Victoria Sjolander, Political Advisor, EUPOL COPPS; Hani Al-Masri; Mounir Kleibo, ILO Representative; Abdel Majed Sweilem, Ministry of Labor; Lehlohonolo Shadrack Ted Pekane, South African Ambassador; Rolf Holmboe, Danish Representative; Dr.T. Jayasinghe, Sri Lankan Representative; Mahmud Kittana;YPIA; Rosimar Suzano, Brazilian Deputy Representative; Maher Al-Masri, Chairman of the Board, Palestinian Capital Market Authority; Penguilly Francois, Deputy Consul, French Consulate; Munib Masri; Mohammed Nusseibeh; Ghassan Khatib, Birzeit University ; Jamal Al-Aref, Deputy Middle East Representative, ANERA; Khaled Naseef; Saleh Hakawati; Wafa’ Abdel Rahman; Piotr Puchta, Polish Representative; Roland Friedrich, DCAF; Nicolas Masson, DCAF; Ana Coelho, Portuguese Deputy Representative; Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA.
All Meetings & Workshops were attended by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA

Palestine and International Relations

  • Organizer: PASSIA.
  • Location: PASSIA Office.
Participants: Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA; Delegation of Middle East Officers of the German Federal Foreign Office
Friederike Hellner, Amman; Michael Ohnmacht, Beirut; Stefan Bantle, Berlin; Judit Goldstein, Berlin; Sonja Jelineck, Berlin; Andreas Peschke, Berlin; Rainer Breul, Brüssel; Tobias Tunkel, Brüssel; Petra Drexler, Damascus; Hans-Werner Bussmann, Cairo; Rainer Lassig, London; Thorsten Hutter, Moskau; Achim Fabig, New York; Helmut Rausch, Paris; Philip Holzapfel, Ramallah; Gerhard Schlaudraff, Ramallah; Anne Wagner, Ramallah; Gregory Bledjian, Tel Aviv; Mathias Licharz, Tel Aviv; Uwe Schmalz, Tel Aviv; Andreas Prothmann, Washington; Sibylle Sorg, Berlin; Miriam Lenz, Berlin.
All Meetings & Workshops were attended by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA

Jerusalem, The Capital of Arab Culture

  • Organizer: .
  • Location: Jerusalem.
Participants: Sami Haddad, Al-Jazeera TV; Hafez Alkarmi, Director of Mayfair Islamic Centre; Sa'eb Ariqat, Chief Palestinian negotiator; Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA.
All Meetings & Workshops were attended by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA
Related Links:

Palestinians in Regional Political Dynamics

  • Organizer: PASSIA.
  • Location: Ambassador Hotel, Jerusalem.
Participants: Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA; British Embassy -Tel Aviv: Mel McNulty; Alan Stewart; Karen Kaufman; Shachar Mordechai; Lisa Farrington; Dean Hurlock; Natalie Singer.
British Consulate General - Jerusalem: John Edwards; Chris Merritt; Karen McLuskie; Jude Muxworthy; Jumana Jaouoni; Fadi Adeeb; Michael Jilleh; Michael Sansour.
Amman: Michael Cockle, Political Section Chief.
All Meetings & Workshops were attended by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA

Analysis of the Israeli Elections and the Future of Palestine

  • Organizer: PASSIA.
  • Location: Ambassador hotel, Jerusalem.
Speakers: Dr. Ahmed Tibi, MK (Ra’am- Ta’al); Mohammad Said Naffa, MK (National Democratic Assembly)
Participants: Mazen Nusseibeh; Darwish Hijazi, Engineer; Dr. Nafez Nazzal; Laila Nazzal; Shihab Amjad, Lecturer, Al-Quds University; Terry Bullata, National Program Officer, Swiss Development Cooperation; Azzam Abu-Saud, Director, Jerusalem Arab Chamber of Commerce, Industry; Khaled Abu-Arafeh; Sami Sockol, Journalist; Lehlohonolo Shadrack Ted Pekane, South African Ambassador; Ishaq Budeiri, Arab Studies Society; Khalil Assali, Al-Quds TV Director; Wafaa Hasan, Ph.D. Candidate, Mc Master University; Fajr Harb, Program Coordinator, The Carter Center; Timothy Rothermel, Director, The Carter Center; Dr. Mustafa Abu-Sway, Lecturer, Al Quds University; Jamal Al-Aref, Deputy Middle East Representative, ANERA; Rep.; Dr. Ercan Ozer, Turkish Consul; Jean-Paul Ghoneim, Cultural Counselor, French Consulate; Helena Cobban, Writer; Adnan Husseini, Governor, Governorate Jerusalem; Nisreen Al-Aref, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES); Tim Petschulat, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES); James J. Carroll, Representative of Ireland; Pia Rantala-Engberg, Representative of Finland; Claudia De Martino, Ph.D. Student; Jamil Hammami, Lecturer, Al-Quds University; Yusef Azazmeh; Omar Dessouki, Physician; Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA.
All Meetings & Workshops were attended by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA

The Nakba and Palestinian Identity

  • Organizer: PASSIA, Sabeel Ecumenical Liberation Theology Center..
  • Location: Ambassador Hotel, Jerusalem.
Speakers: Dr. Rashid Khalidi, Edward Said Professor of Arab Studies at Columbia University.
All Meetings & Workshops were attended by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA