Meetings & Workshops


Religion, Conflict and Dialogue

  • Organizer: PASSIA.
  • Location: PASSIA Office.
Participants: Students of Intercultural Relations, Stockholm School of Theology, Lars Lingirs, Director, Stockholm School of Theology; Mats Palmborg; Margareta Palmborg; Ulrika Lindskog, Maria O’Donnell; Helena Dahlin Kasse; Inger Gillerstrand; Amalia Kristohersson; Sven Halvardsson; Kjell-Ake Nordqvist; Anders Gezelius Hagglund; Kristin Hagegard.
All Meetings & Workshops were attended by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA

Interfaith Dialogue

  • Organizer: Lutheran Church of the Redeemer..
  • Location: Beit Ibrahim (Lutheran Church of the Redeemer), Beit Jala..
Speakers: Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Chirman of PASSIA; Dr. Mitri Raheb, Director of The International Center of Bethlehem (Dar Annadwa Addawliyya); Bishop Munib Younan, president of the Lutheran World Federation.
All Meetings & Workshops were attended by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA

Courtesy Visit

  • Organizer: None.
  • Location: PASSIA Office.
Participants: Rodrigo Lopez Gadano, Deputy Head of the Representative Office of Argentina to the State of Palestine
All Meetings & Workshops were attended by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA

Arab women in the Islamic Movement

  • Organizer: PASSIA.
  • Location: PASSIA Office, Ramallah.
Speakers: Dr. Islah Jad, Director, Institute of Women’s Studies Center, Birzeit University
Participants: Shojaa Ayaseh, Lawyer, Young Palestinian Lawyer Association ; Nida’ Ibrahim, Journalist; Maisaa Salem, Student, Birzeit University ; Awni Fares, Student, Birzeit University; Omar Rahal, Director, Human Rights and Democratic Participation Centre – SHAMS; Abir Misleh, Welfare Association; Rose Shomali, Researcher; Mahmoud Qura’an, Engineering; Muna Mansour, Palestinian Legislative Council, Nablus; Khuloud Masri, Former Municipal Council Member, Nablus; Issa Samandar, Popular Development Center, Ramallah; Heyam Mattar, International Relations Commission, FATEH Movement, Ramallah.
All Meetings & Workshops were attended by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA

The Neo-Zionist State of Israel: Realities and Future Prospects

  • Organizer: PASSIA.
  • Location: Legacy Hotel, Jerusalem.
Speakers: Dr. Ilan Pappe: Professor with the College of Social Sciences and International Studies, University of Exeter, UK, Director of the University's European Centre for Palestine Studies, and Co-Director of the Exeter Centre for Ethno-Political Studies
Participants: Nora Carmi, Project Coordinator, Kairos Palestine; Elana Ramahi, OCHA; Mohammed Nuseibeh; Ghassan Khatib, Birzeit University; Dr. Uri Davis, Head, Al-Beit - Association for the Defence of Human Rights in Israel; Munther Fahmi, American Colony Bookshop; George Hazou, Translator; Samia Najjar; Hind Khoury; Rola Khleip; Nasser Hidmi, Activest; Hatem Khweis, Press; Shatha Abudul Samad, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES); Amneh Badran, Al-Quds University; Ibrahim Nator, Rawabi; Awad Mansour, Al-Quds University; Aisha Majid, OCHA; Shifa Jayousi, Program Officer, UNDP; Jamal Abdeen; Dr. Hala Hallak; Diana Safieh, Travel Agent; Maha Samman, Al-Quds University; Samer Niseibeh, Engineer; David Viveash, Carter Center; Kotone Hashimoto, Student; Rev. Loren Mcgrail, Christian Minister; Trisha Tenvillizer, Teacher; Christine Forrester; Consultant; Richard Binost; Consultant; Michel Gottret, Head, Switzerland Representative Office, Ramallah; Hans Peter Hirschi, Switzerland Representative, Ramallah; Christiane Hieronymus, German Representative Office, Ramallah; Sabine Bricheakaup; Jure Rifelj, Head, Slovenia Representative Office, Ramallah; Schmidt, W; Debi Vznpoelen, Artist; Alan Smart, Manager; Frans Weizacker; Astrid Marsohatz, UN; Jobin Lainne; Perini Alessandre; Poppy Hardee, Arij; Nina Mappes, Arij; Monica Burm; M Keller, Tourist; Chris Whitman; Barbara Wolf, Head, German Representative Office, Ramallah; Holga Hans; Martin Deleon; Sandra Gvimaraes; Orwan leliewe, Teacher; Alexander Rusche, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES); Mehrene Larudee, Al-Quds Bard College; Dophne Bullerbach; Ueli Staeger, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES); Anke Ralle, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES); Raymond Duft, OCHA; Anna Revmert; Mar Benseny; Mamo Lou; Kenyon; Marion Napoli; Ingrid Ross, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES); Nitschke Uli, GIZ; Voilrath Radiger Caia, GIZ; Ugo Puccio, Consultant; Jeni Ohan, G. Fine, EU delegation; Ava de Cano, Tvndeso; Isabelle Mestre, Student; Yvonne loymil, Student; Bilha Calderon, Journalist; Plauz Schinidt; Stuart Elden; Elhan Movtou-Jerome; B.S. Mubarak, Head, Indian Representative Office, Ramallah; Neil Graham; Eike Bullesbech; German Representative Office, Ramallah; Joris Van Winckel, EU; David Geer, EU Representative; Marianne Van de Glind; Nera Van Glind; Nicolas Rost
Related Links: Click here to Listen to the Audio>>
All Meetings & Workshops were attended by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA

Middle East Politic

  • Organizer: Ajyal Radio.
  • Location: None.
All Meetings & Workshops were attended by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA
Related Links:

Current & Future Situation of Palestine

  • Organizer: None.
  • Location: PASSIA Office.
Participants: Students from Lund University in Sweden: Sarah Anne Rennix; Matthew Plouffe; Vincent Lavwers; Sonia Baralic; Klara Berlage; Marie Henners; Malin Mattsson; Eline Olsson; Desiree Sterner; Marc Andre Perreaolt; Ilaria Savio; Fabio Cristiano
All Meetings & Workshops were attended by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA

Situation of Jerusalem 2013, "Youth Education, Ramallah Meeting"

  • Organizer: PASSIA.
  • Location: PASSIA Office, Ramallah.
Participants: Samer AShareef, Multimedia, Birzeit University; Fajr Harb, Carter Center, Ramallah; Katerina Mustaklem, Medical Representative, Wyeth Nutrition; Haneen Omari, Birzeit University; Rand Khdair, TV presenter, Flastinah TV; Alhareth Rayan, Media coordinator, Arab Education Forum; Mahmoud Quran, Sales Manager, CPS; Sari Harb, Ekram Nicola, Lawyer.
All Meetings & Workshops were attended by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA

PM Salam Fayad’s Resignation

  • Organizer: None.
  • Location: PASSIA Office, Ramallah.
Participants: Phadime Choshane, First Secretary, South African Representative Office, Ramallah; Goodman Molate, Counselor, South African Representative Office, Ramallah.
All Meetings & Workshops were attended by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA

The Question of Palestine and Regional Politics (lecture given at the Finnish Ambassadors’ regional meeting)

  • Organizer: None.
  • Location: Movenpick Hotel, Ramallah.
Participants: Representatives from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland: Dr. Martti Eirola, Representative of Finland to the PA; Ambassador Peter Stenlund, Under Secretary of State; Risto Piipponen, Director General of the Africa & Middle East Department; Mika Ruotsalainen, Middle East Expert; Risto Veltheim, Ambassador; Antti Loikas, Adviser; Matti Lassila, Ambassador; Helena Tuuri, Director of the Middle East & North Africa Unit; Tiina Jortikka-Laitinen, Ambassador in Tunis; Christina Harttila, Ambassador in Rabat; Markku Meriluoto, Chief Inspector; Jere Peltonen, Inspector; Roberto Tanzi-Albi Ambassador in Cairo; Harri Kamarainen, Ambassador in Teheran; Jarno Syrjala, Ambassador in Riad; Hannele Voionmaa, Ambassador in Algiers; Leena-Kaisa Mikkola, Ambassador in Tel Aviv.
All Meetings & Workshops were attended by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA

The Anti-Normalization Campaign. Palestinian Perspective

  • Organizer: None.
  • Location: PASSIA Office, Ramallah.
Participants: Samer Al-Shareef; Maral Jaaber; Fajr Harb; Katerina Mistaklem; Haneen Amari; Hassan Al-Hareth; Najwan Birqudar; Rand Abdel Haseeb Khdair; Hazem Muhammad Abu Helal
All Meetings & Workshops were attended by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA

Palestinian Reconcilation

  • Organizer: None.
  • Location: PASSIA Office.
Participants: Mr. Mostafa El-Gamil, Consul General, Egypt Embassy
All Meetings & Workshops were attended by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA

The Anti-Normalization Campaign. Palestinian Perspective, "Youth Education, Ramallah Meeting"

  • Organizer: PASSIA.
  • Location: PASSIA Office, Ramallah.
Participants: Samer Al-Shareef; Maral Jaaber; Fajr Harb; Katerina Mistaklem; Haneen Amari; Hassan Al-Hareth; Najwan Birqudar; Rand Abdel Haseeb Khdair; Hazem Muhammad Abu Helal
All Meetings & Workshops were attended by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA

24 Hours in Jerusalem: Palestinian Perspective (Documentary Film)

  • Organizer: None.
  • Location: PASSIA Office.
Participants: Thomas Kufus, Manager, Zero One Film, Berlin.
All Meetings & Workshops were attended by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA

Salam Fayyad's Resignation; Anti-Normalization Protests; US Policy in the Region

  • Organizer: None.
  • Location: PASSIA Office.
Participants: Laurent Zecchini, "Le Monde" newspaper Jerusalem Bureau Chief
All Meetings & Workshops were attended by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA