Meetings & Workshops


Palestinian National Address in Jerusalem

  • Organizer: PASSIA.
  • Location: PASSIA Office, Jerusalem.
Participants: Participant(s): Dr. Rafiq Husseini, CEO, Al-Makassed Hospital, Jerusalem; Tareq Touqan, Lawyer; Sami Irsheid, Lawyer; Fadi Hidmi, Director, Jerusalem Chamber of Commerce, Jerusalem; Abdel Qader Al-Husseini, Director, Faisal Husseini Foundation, Jerusalem; Mazen Al-Jabari, Youth Development Department (YDD), Jerusalem; Safa Nasser Eddin, Vice-President, Al-Quds University; Dr. Dieter Kattermann, Head of Programmes, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Ramallah; Shaden Katbeh, Programme Advisor, GIZ; Ishaq Budeiri, Lawyer, Director, Arab Studies Society; Shifa Jayousi, UNSCO; Fouad Hallak, PLO Negotiations Affairs Department, Ramallah; Lubna Katbeh, Lawyer, Jerusalem; Hatem Abdel Qader, The Jerusalem File, Former Minister of Jerusalem Affairs; Dr. Bernard Sabella, Palestinian Legislative Council member; Wael Idreis, Jerusalem; Deniz Altayli, Program Director, PASSIA, Jerusalem; Hind Husseini, PASSIA Team; Shaima Boukaileh, Intern, PASSIA; Bailey Williams, Intern, PASSIA; Shahd Souri, Intern, PASSIA.
All Meetings & Workshops were attended by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA

Tackling the Challenges of Today: Jerusalem, Gaza and the Internationalization of the Palestinian Question

  • Organizer: None.
  • Location: Legacy Hotel, Jerusalem.
Speakers: James Rawley, UN Special Coordinator Office (UNSCO); Hervé Magro, French Consul General, Jerusalem; Dr. Mustafa Barghouthi, Palestine National Initiative (Al-Mubadara), PLO member; Nathan Stock, The Carter Center, Ramallah; Diana Buttu (Moderator)
Participants: Carmen Mocanu, Head of Mission, Representative Office of Romania to the PA; Jan de Pauw, Consul for Political Affairs, Belgian Consulate General, Jerusalem; Franziska Grillmeier, Palestine-Israel Journal; Paul Lorgeric, Palestine-Israel Journal; Leonardo Viera, First Secretary, Representative Office of Brazil to the PA; Jonas Geith, Human Security Advisor, Representative Office of Switzerland to the PA; Jamal Al-Aref, ANERA; Emre Battal, Vice-Consul, Turkish Consulate; Sholeen Mooljee, Counselor, Representative Office of South Africa to the PA; Mark Pace, Head, Representative Office of Malta to the PA; Mahmoud Jarallah, Businessman; Sebastien Bidaud, Political Officer, French Consulate; Tewfic Habesch, Jerusalem Chamber of Commerce; Sabine Brickenkamp, Deputy Head, Development Cooperation, Representative Office of Germany to the PA; Walid Salim, Director, Center for Democracy and Community Development (CDCD), Jerusalem; Sheikh Azzam Al-Khatib, General Director of the Islamic Waqf, Jerusalem; Hazem Gheith, Political Officer, Egyptian Representative Office to the PA; Ishaq Budeiry, Lawyer, Director, Arab Studies Society; Shifa Jayousi, UNSCO; Tivadar Takacs, Deputy Head, Representative Office of Hungary to the PA; Rudolf Rogg, Country Director, GIZ; Barbara Urban-Nino, Development Expert, Representative Office of the Republic of Poland to the PA; Vance Culbert, Country Director, Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC); Kate Taber, Presbyterian Church, USA; M. Siraj Ahamed, Attaché, Representative Office of Sri Lanka to the PA; Malene Bogesvang, Deputy, Representative Office of Denmark to the PA; Lorraine Degruson, Representative Office of Belgium to the PA; Peter Mollema, Representative Office of Netherlands to the PA; Pedro Sousa e Abreu, Head, Representative Office of Portugal to the PA; Mahesh Kumar, Head, Representative Office of India to the PA; Fatih Onuk, Turkish Consulate; Enas Muthaffar, Negotiation Support Unit, Ramallah; Samir Khatib, Al-Quds University; Khalil Abu Arafeh, Architect; Awad Mansour, Lecturer, Al-Quds University; Sami Mushasha, Chief of Communications, UNRWA; Ghada Aruri, British Consulate; Hans Grundberg, EU Delegation; Kholoud Dajani, Al-Quds University; Sidney Fisher, Counselor and Head of Political Section, Representative Office of Canada to the PA; Elena Clemente, Deputy Head of Mission, Italian Consulate General, Jerusalem; Samer Melki, Vice-Consul General, French Consulate General, Jerusalem; Maha Samman, Lecturer, Al-Quds University; Henrik Möberg, Swedish Consulate General, Jerusalem; Fr. Rafiq Khouri, Latin Patriarchate; Min. Sergio Sierra, Head, Representative Office of Mexico to the PA; Johanna Strömquist, Deputy, Swedish Consulate General, Jerusalem; Terry Boullata, Swiss Development Cooperation; Mazen Sinokrot, Awqaf Council; Pirkko-Liisa Kyöstilä, Head, Representative Office of Finland to the PA; Diana Safieh, Safieh Tours; Ibrahim Matar, Economist; Charles Shamas, Senior Partner with the Mattin Group; Meredith Lee, Associate; Hani Abdeen, Medical Doctor; Dr. Suleiman Ghousheh; Shatha Abdul Samad, FES; Micha Norworth, Coordinator; Raymond Habesch; Khaled Kaloti; Engineer; Ainhoa González; Verena Stanber, Intern; Sarah Stotzher, Intern, RLS; Claudia Flach, Student
All Meetings & Workshops were attended by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA

The Palestinian Cause - Challenges, Risks and Opportunities

  • Organizer: PASSIA.
  • Location: Legacy Hotel, Jerusalem.
Speakers: Hani Al-Masri, General Director, The Palestinian Center for Policy Research & Strategic Studies - MASARAT, Ramallah; Sultan Yasin, Project Coordinator, the Martti Ahtisaari Centre - CMI, Ramallah
Participants: Abed Abu Diab, Reitree; Samer Nusseibeh, Engineer; Maha Abdullah, Researcher; Dr. Ghassan Abdullah, CARE; Malek Zablah, Dar Al-Tifl Al-Arabi; Hatem Khweis, Al-Arabia Consulting; Dr. Bernard Sabella, Palestinian Legislative Council; Aida Haddad, Reitree; Azzam Abu Saud; Ziad Al-Shamali; Intisar Saadah, Parents Committee Union; Hanadi Qawasmi, Journalist; Nader Farrah, Reitree; Mazen Al-Jabari, YDD; Jamal Al-Aref, ANERA; Nadim Al-Jamal, Media; Sawsan Safadi, PR Director; Hala Hallaq; Itedal Al-Ashhab, Educational Portfolio & Member at the National Conference; Naim Ashhab; Ikhlas Nusseibeh; Hazem Qawasmi; Terry Bullata, Swiss Development Cooperation; Ibrahim Husseini, Journalist; Samir Jibril, Director of Education; Abdul Karim Lafi, Parents Committee Union; Sheikh Jamil Hamami, Al-Quds University; Mohammad Khader Qirresh, Palestinian Economists Association; Dr. Hanna Hallak, Bethlehem University; Abdel Latif Ghaith, Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association; Adnan Husseini, PA, Minister of Jerusalem Affairs; Fr. Rafiq Khouri, Latin Patriarchate; Dr. Mustafa Abu Sway, Al-Quds University; Munir Nusseibeh, Al-Quds University; Zakariya Odeh; Ibrahim Matar, Economist; Ziyad Abu Zayyad, Lawyer; Nora Kort, Community Development Consultant; Wael Saadeh; Dr. Hani Abdeen, Al-Quds University; Dr. Suleiman Ghosheh; Shaikh Khaled Issawi, Awqaf; Nora Carmi, Kairos Palestine; Abdel Qader Husseini, Faisal Husseini Foundation; Adel Ghazzawi, Parents Committee Union; Arine Rinawi, Journalist; Khalil Shaheen
All Meetings & Workshops were attended by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA

Palestinian Perspective on Various Components of the Conflict & What Lies Ahead!

  • Organizer: None.
  • Location: American Colony Hotel, Jerusalem.
Participants: Richard Bruneau,Counsellor and Head of Political Section,Representative Office of Canada,Ramallah;Richard Venn, Senior Executive Vice-President, CIBC, and Managing Director and Deputy Chair, CIBC World Markets Inc.; Jill Reitman, Psychologist; Joel Reitman, Founder and President of Jillcy Investments Ltd. Morris & Sarah Perlis; Allan & Hinda Silber; Eileen Silver, Ontario Ministry of Education; Carole Sterling, UJA Federation of Greater, Toronto; Jay Sterling, Gardena Canada; Abe Glowinsky, UJA Federation of Greater, Toronto; Elaine Dubrovsky; Sam Reitman; Stephanie Frangos.
All Meetings & Workshops were attended by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA
Related Links:

Palestinian Internal Affairs and Israeli Occupation

  • Organizer: PASSIA.
  • Location: PASSIA Office.
Participants: Young Peace Performance: Ida Hella; Serine Talhaub; Einar Blindheim; Erik Zeraensen; Maram Sahlieh; Signe Bekmand Tangen
All Meetings & Workshops were attended by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA

Jerusalem and the Current Situation in Palestine.

  • Organizer: PASSIA.
  • Location: PASSIA Office.
Participants: Group of teachers from World Affairs Council of Houston, USA: Andre Shama, Tour Guide; Marie Moreno, Administrator; Partricia Cooksey, Teacher; Melissa Schmitz, Teacher; Loreli Clark, Teacher; Barbara DiPaolo, Teacher; Dana Browning, Teacher; Rita McMahon, Teacher; Shelby Touchy, Teacher; Ivana Situm, Program Officer; Anita Pillins, Teacher.
All Meetings & Workshops were attended by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA

Religion, Conflict and Dialogue

  • Organizer: PASSIA.
  • Location: PASSIA Office.
Participants: Students of Intercultural Relations, Stockholm School of Theology, Lars Lingirs, Director, Stockholm School of Theology; Mats Palmborg; Margareta Palmborg; Ulrika Lindskog, Maria O’Donnell; Helena Dahlin Kasse; Inger Gillerstrand; Amalia Kristohersson; Sven Halvardsson; Kjell-Ake Nordqvist; Anders Gezelius Hagglund; Kristin Hagegard.
All Meetings & Workshops were attended by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA

The Neo-Zionist State of Israel: Realities and Future Prospects

  • Organizer: PASSIA.
  • Location: Legacy Hotel, Jerusalem.
Speakers: Dr. Ilan Pappe: Professor with the College of Social Sciences and International Studies, University of Exeter, UK, Director of the University's European Centre for Palestine Studies, and Co-Director of the Exeter Centre for Ethno-Political Studies
Participants: Nora Carmi, Project Coordinator, Kairos Palestine; Elana Ramahi, OCHA; Mohammed Nuseibeh; Ghassan Khatib, Birzeit University; Dr. Uri Davis, Head, Al-Beit - Association for the Defence of Human Rights in Israel; Munther Fahmi, American Colony Bookshop; George Hazou, Translator; Samia Najjar; Hind Khoury; Rola Khleip; Nasser Hidmi, Activest; Hatem Khweis, Press; Shatha Abudul Samad, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES); Amneh Badran, Al-Quds University; Ibrahim Nator, Rawabi; Awad Mansour, Al-Quds University; Aisha Majid, OCHA; Shifa Jayousi, Program Officer, UNDP; Jamal Abdeen; Dr. Hala Hallak; Diana Safieh, Travel Agent; Maha Samman, Al-Quds University; Samer Niseibeh, Engineer; David Viveash, Carter Center; Kotone Hashimoto, Student; Rev. Loren Mcgrail, Christian Minister; Trisha Tenvillizer, Teacher; Christine Forrester; Consultant; Richard Binost; Consultant; Michel Gottret, Head, Switzerland Representative Office, Ramallah; Hans Peter Hirschi, Switzerland Representative, Ramallah; Christiane Hieronymus, German Representative Office, Ramallah; Sabine Bricheakaup; Jure Rifelj, Head, Slovenia Representative Office, Ramallah; Schmidt, W; Debi Vznpoelen, Artist; Alan Smart, Manager; Frans Weizacker; Astrid Marsohatz, UN; Jobin Lainne; Perini Alessandre; Poppy Hardee, Arij; Nina Mappes, Arij; Monica Burm; M Keller, Tourist; Chris Whitman; Barbara Wolf, Head, German Representative Office, Ramallah; Holga Hans; Martin Deleon; Sandra Gvimaraes; Orwan leliewe, Teacher; Alexander Rusche, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES); Mehrene Larudee, Al-Quds Bard College; Dophne Bullerbach; Ueli Staeger, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES); Anke Ralle, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES); Raymond Duft, OCHA; Anna Revmert; Mar Benseny; Mamo Lou; Kenyon; Marion Napoli; Ingrid Ross, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES); Nitschke Uli, GIZ; Voilrath Radiger Caia, GIZ; Ugo Puccio, Consultant; Jeni Ohan, G. Fine, EU delegation; Ava de Cano, Tvndeso; Isabelle Mestre, Student; Yvonne loymil, Student; Bilha Calderon, Journalist; Plauz Schinidt; Stuart Elden; Elhan Movtou-Jerome; B.S. Mubarak, Head, Indian Representative Office, Ramallah; Neil Graham; Eike Bullesbech; German Representative Office, Ramallah; Joris Van Winckel, EU; David Geer, EU Representative; Marianne Van de Glind; Nera Van Glind; Nicolas Rost
Related Links: Click here to Listen to the Audio>>
All Meetings & Workshops were attended by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA

The Anti-Normalization Campaign. Palestinian Perspective, "Youth Education, Ramallah Meeting"

  • Organizer: PASSIA.
  • Location: PASSIA Office, Ramallah.
Participants: Samer Al-Shareef; Maral Jaaber; Fajr Harb; Katerina Mistaklem; Haneen Amari; Hassan Al-Hareth; Najwan Birqudar; Rand Abdel Haseeb Khdair; Hazem Muhammad Abu Helal
All Meetings & Workshops were attended by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA

Introduction to the Current Palestinian Politics

  • Organizer: None.
  • Location: PASSIA Office.
Participants: Atia Abawi, Correspondent, NBC News.
All Meetings & Workshops were attended by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA

Israeli Unilateralism in Jerusalem and its Implications for the Two-State Solution

  • Organizer: PASSIA.
  • Location: The Legacy Hotel, Jerusalem.
Speakers: Daniel Seidenmann Israeli Attorney, Expert on Geo-political Jerusalem
Participants: Isam Awwad, Consultant Architect; William Aophinson; Farouk Rahim, Surgeon; Michael Van Lay Exeler, CPS Coordinator; Oscar Jarzmick, PhD Student; Suleiman Abu Dayyh, FNF; Tim Williams, Adviser OQR, Beaufils Cyrille, Vice Counsel of France; Jobin Laurine, Swiss Representative Office; Felige Sander, UNRWA; Terry Buletah, Hasan Khweis, Hon Website; Sawsan Safadi; Constanze Bonj; Dainik Heinz, Swiss Foreign Office; Ofer Zelzbey, ZCG; Bishop. Munib Younan; B. Philippe, EUREP; Loris Van Winckel, Political Officer; Dimitri Jishashram, Tour Operator; Ibrahim Natour; Barbara Loy; Mazean Nuseibeh, Teacher; James Eastwood, PhD Researcher; Khouloud Daibes; Peter Huenseler, Regional Manager forum ZID; Mellie Johuseu, Student; Piers Simpkin, ICRC; Hussein Hirji, Canadian Representative Office; Juliayn Lake, Assistant; Hatem Khweis, Hon Website; Bidaud Sebastian, French Consulate; Michel Gottret, Swiss Representative Office, Gilles Cerutti, Swiss Representative Office, Jogle Morinletz, Al Quds Law; Ingrid Ross, FES; Alex Ruesche, FES; Ruth Hummand, Hind Khoury; David Peer, EU; Khalil Assali, Journalist; Yusef Dalem, Jerusalem Interchurch Center; Nora Kort, AOS and ATTA.
Related files: Jerusalem and its Environs, “Spatial Shaping”, the Ross Agenda and Proposals
for a Partial Settlement Freeze
All Meetings & Workshops were attended by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA
Related Links:

Trans-Colonial Urban Space in Palestine: Politics & Development

  • Organizer: PASSIA.
  • Location: Legacy Hotel, Jerusalem.
Speakers: Dr. Maha Samman, Head of Urban Studies and Spatial Practices program at Al-Quds Bard Honors College for Liberal Arts and Sciences, AL-Quds University, Jerusalem
Participants: Dr. Mehreme Laradee, Head, Social Science Dept., Al Quds Bard College; Zakaria Odeh, Executive Directer; Awad Mansour, Lecturer, Al Quds University; Khuloud Khayyat Dajani ;Nasser Hidmi; Ahmad Siyam; Raed Mujahed; Alexander Ruesche, Program Manager, FES; Eng. Mazen A. Abu Al Saud, Director ISS/AOC, Ex-Asst. Deputy Minister P.N.A ;Abeer Al Saheb, Project Manager; Shahla.Matar, Associate; Victoria Joyce, Associate; Scott Ratner, Research Assistant; Dr. Sari Nussibeh, Al Quds University; Lucy Nusseibeh; Hatem Khweis, PR-Reporter.
All Meetings & Workshops were attended by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA
Related Links:

The Palestinian Identity & the Nakba of 1948

  • Organizer: PASSIA.
  • Location: PASSIA Office.
Participants: Theologian’s participants: Martha Usiri; Eva Agostinho Paulo; Agness Chiwara; Maaraidzo Elisabeth Mutambara; Daniel Wappou; Francois Iya; Lalitha Jayachitra; David Rajandran John David; Rajula Watson; Jeeva Kumar; Peiquan Lin; Hellen Bok; Jonathan Ashauer; Atahualpa Hernandez
All Meetings & Workshops were attended by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA

Palestinian Reconciliation: Different Agenda

  • Organizer: PASSIA.
  • Location: PASSIA Office.
Participants: Ahmad Asmar; Hanadi Qawasmi; Anjad Hithnawi; Yasmine Joulani; Raed Mujahed.
All Meetings & Workshops were attended by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA