Meetings & Workshops


Muslim-Christian Annual Iftar in Jerusalem

  • Organizer: Council of Waqf, Jerusalem.
  • Location: Legacy Hotel, Jerusalem.
All Meetings & Workshops were attended by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA

50 Years of Israeli Occupation

  • Organizer: PASSIA.
  • Location: PASSIA, Jerusalem.
Participants: Nidal Kanaaneh, Journalist, Sky News.
All Meetings & Workshops were attended by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA

The Trump Administration, the Two-State Solution & Political Uncertainty in the Region

  • Organizer: PASSIA.
  • Location: PASSIA, Jerusalem.
Participants: Dr. Ian S. Spears, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science University of Guelph, Canada; Jan Ybema, Intern, PASSIA
All Meetings & Workshops were attended by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA

Can President Trump Broker Peace?

  • Organizer: PASSIA.
  • Location: Orient House, Jerusalem.
Participants: Lester Holt, Nightly News, NBC News
All Meetings & Workshops were attended by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA
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Education and Culture in Palestine

  • Organizer: PASSIA.
  • Location: PASSIA, Jerusalem.
Participants: Oliver McTernan, Director, Forward Thinking, UK; Isobel Scott-Barrett, Programmes Officer, Forward Thinking, UK; Jordan Morgan, Research and Development Officer, Forward Thinking, UK; Lila Cherrih, Programmes Assistant, Forward Thinking, UK; Sarah Husseini, Editor; Deniz Altayli, Program Director, PASSIA; Jan Ybema, Intern, PASSIA.
All Meetings & Workshops were attended by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA

The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Since the Election of President Trump

  • Organizer: PASSIA.
  • Location: PASSIA, Jerusalem.
Participants: David Ushery, NBC New York; Eddie Alonzo, Cameraman, NBC New York
All Meetings & Workshops were attended by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA

South Africa and Palestine

  • Organizer: PASSIA.
  • Location: PASSIA, Jerusalem.
Participants: Ashraf Suliman, Head, Representative Office of South Africa to the PA, Ramallah; Daniel Stemmer, First Secretary - Political, Representative Office of South Africa to the PA, Ramallah; Akram Sakka, Protocol Director, Representative Office of South Africa to the PA, Ramallah; Ambassador M. Dangor, Special Advisor; A. Groenewald, Director: Mediation Support Unit and International School, Diplomatic Training, Research and Development; Jan Ybema, Intern, PASSIA.
All Meetings & Workshops were attended by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA

US and the Two-State Solution

  • Organizer: None.
  • Location: PASSIA Office.
Participants: Ambassador (Ret.) Philip C. Wilcox, Jr., President, Foundation for Middle East Peace, Washington, US.
All Meetings & Workshops were attended by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA


  • Organizer: Jordan TV, Amman.
  • Location: Jordan TV.
Participants: An Eye on Jerusalem Program, Jordan TV
All Meetings & Workshops were attended by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA
Related Links:

Palestinian Institutions in Jerusalem and Israeli Practices

  • Organizer: PASSIA.
  • Location: PASSIA, Jerusalem.
Participants: Daniel Seidemann, Israeli Attorney, Expert on Geo-Political Jerusalem, Director, Terrestrial Jerusalem
All Meetings & Workshops were attended by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA

Hamas, its New Charter, and the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict

  • Organizer: PASSIA.
  • Location: PASSIA, Jerusalem.
Participants: Kim Berg, Student of Political Science, Germany & Intern, Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation, Ramallah; Fouad Hallak, PLO Negotiations Affairs Department, Ramallah; Jan Ybema, Intern, PASSIA.
All Meetings & Workshops were attended by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA

Jerusalem- June War 1967

  • Organizer: PASSIA.
  • Location: PASSIA, Jerusalem.
Participants: Inge Guenther, Bureau Chief, Frankfurter Rundschau / Berliner Zeitung
All Meetings & Workshops were attended by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA

Preparing an Exhibition on the City of Jerusalem

  • Organizer: PASSIA.
  • Location: PASSIA, Jerusalem.
Participants: Delegation from the Stiftung Jüdisches Museum Berlin, Germany: Cilly Kugelmann, Former Director; Oliver Glatz, Freelance Curator.
All Meetings & Workshops were attended by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA

The Question of Jerusalem: 50 Years of Occupation Must End!

  • Organizer: PASSIA.
  • Location: PASSIA, Jerusalem.
Participants: Izzat Abdul Hadi, Palestinian Ambassador to Australia; Mark Coulton, Member, Australian Parliament; Robyn Coulton, Farmer; Ross Hart, Member, Australian Parliament; Ken O’Dowd, Member, Australian Parliament; Maria Vamvakinou, Member, Australian Parliament; Penni Pappus, Assistant to MP Maria Vamvakinou; Lisa Singh, Senator; Stella Michael, Student; Jan Ybema, Intern, PASSIA.
All Meetings & Workshops were attended by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA

Commemorating Eng. Ibrahim Dakkak (1929-2016)

  • Organizer: PASSIA.
  • Location: Legacy Hotel, Jerusalem.
Speakers: Dr. Ekrima Sabri, Head, Supreme Islamic Council, Jerusalem; Rev. Patriarch Michel Sabbah, Head, The Islamic-Christian Commission in Support of Jerusalem & Holy Sites, former Head, Latin Patriarchate; Dr. Mustafa Barghouti, PLO Executive Committee Member; Zahira Kamal, General Secretary, Palestine Democratic Union (FIDA); Abed Al-Qader Husseini, Head of Board of Directors, Faisal Husseini Foundation, Jerusalem; Azzam Dakkak, Dakkak Family Representative.
Participants: Hijazi Risheq, Member, Arab Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Jerusalem; Khalil Assali, Journalist, Akhbar El Balad; Bishop Dr. Munib A. Younan, Head, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan & the Holy Land (ELCJHL); Terry Boullata, Swiss Development Cooperation, Jerusalem; Sheikh Jamil Hamami, Lecturer, Al-Quds University, Jerusalem; Sheikh Abdel Azim Salhab, Head, High Council of Waqf, Jerusalem; Ziad Hammouri, Director, Jerusalem Center for Social & Economic Rights (JCSER), Jerusalem; Issam Taha, Retiree; Badr Jamjoum, Retiree; Jamileh Kabaja, Housewife; Minas Kabaja Dakkak; Sani Meo, Publisher, This Week in Palestine; Azzam Hashlamoon; Diana Safieh, Safia Tours; Yasin Abu Saud; Rima Abu Saud; Dr. Suleiman Ghosheh, Medical Doctor, Jerusalem; Khaled Jamjoum; Ali Khamis; Saed Dakkak; Salam Daana, Medical Doctor; Wadi Kabaja; Hisham Bakri; Khaled Barghouth; Issam Awwad; Nabeel Hamoudeh; Nora Carmi, Kairos Palestine; Samia Khoury; Samer Nusseibeh, Engineer, Jerusalem; Nabil Sub Laban; Salah Zuheikeh; Walid Salem, Lecturer at Al-Quds University; Rania Elias, Yabous Cultural Centre, Jerusalem; Khaled Kaloti, Businessman, Jerusalem; Aref Husseini, Founder of Al-Nayzak; Dr. Tamer Sawalha; Majed Husseini, Reitree; Mahmoud Jarallah, Businessman; Issam Rabee, Engineer; Mohammad Abu Khdeir, Journalist, Al-Quds Newspaper; Fr. Rafiq Khouri, Latin Patriarchate, Jerusalem; Raja Khalidi, Development Economist; Sami El-Yousef, Regional Director for Palestine and Israel, Pontifical Mission.​
All Meetings & Workshops were attended by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA
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