Bibliographic Abstract

Dr. Sari Nusseibeh

Head and founder of the Palestinian Consultancy Group (PCG), Jerusalem, and, since 1995, President of Al-Quds University: Ph.D. in Philosophy, Harvard University (1978); co-founder and member of several Palestinian institution including the Jerusalem Friends of the Sick Society, the Federation of Employees in the Education Sector in the West Bank, the Arab Council for Public Affairs, the Committee Confronting the Iron Fist, and the Jerusalem Arab Council; formerly Professor at Birzeit University (1978-1990), President of the Birzeit Teacher's Association (1979-1980), co-founder and President of the Union of Faculty and staff at Bir Zeit University, member of the Steering Committee of the Delegation to the Peace Talks, and head of both the bilateral and multilateral technical committees. Publications include numerous articles and, with Mark Heller, No Trumpets, No Drums: A Two-State Solution of the Israeli- Palestinian Conflict, New York: Hill & Wand, 1991.